Specifying Remote Plug-in Compatibility
The vSphere Client provides a way to specify compatibility between remote plug-ins and
vCenter Server versions, and also compatibility with public cloud and private cloud
When a remote plug-in is registered with a
vCenter Server instance, each linked instance is notified. Each notified instance responds by
checking compatibility constraints specified in the plug-in manifest. The constraints
determine whether the notified instance will involve the plug-in in future requests that
access vSphere resources on the registration instance.
Each notified instance must satisfy client
constraints, and the registration instance must satisfy server constraints, to enable plug-in
traffic. If both sides meet the constraint conditions, the notified instance deploys the
plug-in for future connections to the registration instance.
Deployment includes configuring extension point
metadata to deploy plug-in views in the vSphere Client user interface, and setting proxy rules
to forward view requests to the plug-in server. This applies to views that access vSphere
resources that the vCenter Server manages.
In the plug-in manifest file you can specify
two points of control for plug-in compatibility. First, you can control whether any vCenter
Server instance is compatible with the plug-in's user interface views. You specify this with
property. Second, you can control whether the plug-in is
compatible with a vCenter Server instance where it is registered. You specify this with the
property.For example, if your plug-in is compatible with
only an on-premises vCenter Server, you should specify that limitation in the
object in the manifest. If the plug-in is registered in a
cloud environment by mistake, vsphere-ui will refuse to deploy it. Or if your plug-in is
incompatible with vSphere Client versions before 8.0, you should specify a minimum version of
8.0 in the vsphere.client
manifest object. If a user connects to an earlier
version vCenter Server, the client refuses to display any view served by the plug-in.To specify compatibility constraints, modify the
object in the remote plug-in manifest file. The following
nested objects are available to specify compatibility:- vcenter.serverUse this object to specify environments and versions of vCenter Server on which the plug-in can be deployed. You can specify these properties:
- environmentsA specifier array for vCenter Servers. If propertyenvironmentsis specified in objectvcenter.server, the plug-in can only be deployed there. If this property is absent, the plug-in can be deployed from any vCenter Server it is registered with. Legal values:
- onprem
- cloud
- versionA string containing a version or range of versions for vCenter Server instances where the plug-in can be registered and deployed. Legal formats:
- version
- [= an inclusive range of compatible versionsversion,version]
- (= an exclusive range of compatible versionsversion,version)
- [= a minimum versionversion, )
- (,= all prior versionsversion)
is an integer or a series of dot-separated integers: n
]]]Although bracket and parenthesis look unmatched,
"[" is inclusive and "(" is exclusive. For example [8.0, 9.0) means everything from 8.0 up to
but not including 9.0.
A best practice is to specify the form
to indicate
compatibility that begins at one major release and includes all minor releases up to, but not
including, the next major release.version
, version
property in this
context applies to a vCenter Server instance with which a remote plug-in is registered. If a
version constraint is present in the vcenter.server
processes in all linked vCenter Server instances will verify
that the registration instance satisfies the version constraint. If it does not,
will not deploy the plug-in for connections to the registration
instance of vCenter Server. If the version
property is absent, any
is free to deploy the plug-in if other compatibility constraints
are satisfied.- vsphere.clientUse this object to specify environments and versions of vSphere Client that can display the views served by the plug-in. When the plug-in is registered on one vCenter Server instance, and a user connects to a second vCenter Server instance, thevsphere-uiof the second instance will display plug-in views for resources managed by the registration instance only if the second instance satisfies thevsphere.clientcompatibility requirements.
- environmentsA specifier array for vCenter Servers. If propertyenvironmentsis specified in objectvcenter.server, the plug-in can only be deployed there. If this property is absent, the plug-in can be deployed from any vCenter Server it is registered with. Legal values:
- onprem
- gateway
- cloud
- versionA string containing a version or range of versions for vSphere environments. If theversionproperty is present in thevsphere.clientobject, it limits the versions that can deploy the plug-in to access resources on a vCenter Server instance where the plug-in is registered. Legal formats are:
- version
- [= an inclusive range of compatible versionsversion,version]
- (= an exclusive range of compatible versionsversion,version)
- [= a minimum versionversion, )
- (,= all prior versionsversion)
is an integer
or a series of dot-separated integers: