Communications Among UI
Components in the vSphere Client
The vSphere Client
user interface loads both its own components and the components belonging to
the plug-in user interface. The vsphere-ui service reads the plug-in manifest
file to determine where it should insert plug-in components in the user
The user interface components
loaded in the browser are organized as shown in the following diagram.
User Interface with a
Sandboxed Plug-in

- Internal JavaScript methods
- window.postMessage()method in browser
- Public JavaScript methods
The plug-in user interface operates within its own
iFrame, isolated from other plug-ins. The plug-in loads a copy of the vSphere Client
JavaScript API client library, which is its sole connection to other client code. The
plug-in code communicates with the client library code using JavaScript method calls.
The client library communicates with the sandbox
component that the vSphere Client provides to interface with the plug-in UI components.
The communication with the sandbox uses the browser's
API. This makes it possible for the iFrame and
its parent window to be loaded from different origins. In the vSphere 6.7 Update 1 release of
the vSphere Client, the iFrame and its parent window share the same origin. Do not
depend on this to remain the same in future releases. In cloud environments, the
iFrame is loaded from a secondary host.
The plug-in sandbox communicates
with other components of the vSphere Client user interface by using internal
Javascript APIs.
If the vSphere Client has more than one plug-in active,
each plug-in is allocated its own sandbox, and operates within its own iFrame, as shown
in the following illustration.
User Interface with Two Plug-ins in
Separate Sandboxes

- Internal JavaScript methods
- window.postMessage()method in browser
- Public JavaScript methods
In this case, each plug-in UI
communicates with its own back-end server.