Troubleshooting: Plug-in Thumbprint Incorrect
The remote plug-in does not display in the vSphere Client user interface.
The plug-in does not appear in the object navigator, but it is listed in the vSphere Client under
. This problem can occur if the
is not valid. The plug-in registration command might
have supplied an incorrect server thumbprint, which causes deployment to fail.To verify the cause, use one of the following methods:
- In the Management UI, find the plug-in in the list under. Next to the list entry, look for a signpost which contains an error message saying that the plug-in failed to download:Error downloading plug-in. Make sure that the URL is reachable and the registered thumbprint is correct.
- If you do not find the signpost, you can search for the sample name in the log file at /var/log/vmware/vsphere-ui/logs/vsphere-client-virgo.log to find an error message.
- Connect a web browser to the Managed Object Browser (MOB) of the vCenter Server with which you attempted to register the plug-in.The MOB URL ishttps://.vcenter_server_FQDN/mob
- To view the ServiceContent data object click thecontentlink.
- To view the ExtensionManager managed object click theExtensionManagerlink.
- In theextensionListvalues, search for the extension key that you used to register the enables you to see more of the list of extension keys.
- Check that theserver.serverThumbprintproperty is correct.
- The thumbprint (fingerprint) should match the characters shown in the plug-in server certificate. To find the plug-in server thumbprint, see Get Thumbprint or Certificate of Remote Plug-in Server. Character pairs should be colon separated.
- Check for hidden characters.
- Pairs of digits must be separated by colon separators.
- You can register the plug-in using a SHA-256 fingerprint or a SHA-1 fingerprint. A best practice is to use SHA-256, which is more secure. SHA-1 is deprecated in favor of SHA-256.
If the thumbprint is correct, check the URL by using the topic Wrong Plug-in URL. - If the thumbprint used in the registration command was incorrect, reregister the plug-in as follows:
- Unregister the plug-in.You can use the registration tool in the SDK to unregistor a plug-in. For syntax information, see vSphere Client Plug-in Registration Tool.
- Repeat the plug-in registration step with the correct thumbprint.