Building Output Style
Sheets for vSphere Client Plug-Ins
you isolate theme-dependent colors or styles as CSS variables, you can merge
the resulting style sheets with the standard Clarity styles to produce a set of
output style sheets for optimized performance.
the input style sheets for the plug-in so that they isolate theme-dependent
colors and styles in separate style sheets as CSS variables.
Angular applications which
place the style sheet declarations inline
by default, when in development mode. Inline style declarations interfere with
dynamic CSS loading. When you build the output style sheets, always configure
the build to output and use external CSS:
To build external style sheets, add the
parameter to the ng build
command. The vSphere Client SDK has examples of this usage in
. You must deactivate any output file name hashing in
the development and production builds. Otherwise the names of the style sheet files will
change whenever the code changes, and the plug-in will not be able to load them.
To deactivate file name hashing when you build
style sheets, use this syntax:
ng build --prod --output-hashing none
. - Create a base output style sheet that is independent of the themes.The base style sheet contains the Clarity icons style sheet and the base input style sheet for the plug-in, which uses CSS variables. The vSphere Client SDK builds this output style sheet by using Angular to compile the SCSS.The following example comes from the vSphere Client SDK filehtml-client-sdk/samples/remote-plugin-sample/src/main/ui/angular-cli.json."styles": [ { "input": "../node_modules/clarity-icons/clarity-icons.min.css", "output": "styles", "lazy": true }, { "input": "styles.css", "output": "styles", "lazy": true } ... ]This step combines the contents ofhtml-client-sdk/samples/remote-plugin-sample/src/main/ui/node_modules/remote-plugin-sample/src/main/ui/styles.cssandhtml-client-sdk/samples/remote-plugin-sample/src/main/ui/styles.cssintohtml-client-sdk/samples/remote-plugin-sample/target/classes/ui/styles.bundle.css.
- Create an output style sheet file for thelighttheme.This style sheet includes the Clarity style sheet for thelighttheme and the plug-in style sheet for thelighttheme, which contains the CSS variable definitions for thelighttheme.The following example comes from the vSphere Client SDK filehtml-client-sdk/samples/remote-plugin-sample/src/main/ui/angular-cli.json."styles": [ ... { "input": "../node_modules/clarity-ui/clarity-ui.min.css", "output": "theme-light", "lazy": true }, { "input": "styles-light.css", "output": "theme-light", "lazy": true } ... ]This step combines the contents ofhtml-client-sdk/samples/remote-plugin-sample/src/main/ui/node_modules/clarity-ui/clarity-ui.min.cssandhtml-client-sdk/samples/remote-plugin-sample/src/main/ui/styles-light.cssintohtml-client-sdk/samples/remote-plugin-sample/target/classes/ui/theme-light.bundle.css.
- Create an output style sheet file for thedarktheme.This style sheet includes the Clarity style sheet for thedarktheme and the plug-in style sheet for thedarktheme, which contains the CSS variable definitions for thedarktheme.The following example comes from the vSphere Client SDK filehtml-client-sdk/samples/remote-plugin-sample/src/main/ui/.angular-cli.json."styles": [ ... { "input": "../node_modules/clarity-ui/clarity-ui-dark.min.css", "output": "theme-dark", "lazy": true }, { "input": "styles-dark.css", "output": "theme-dark", "lazy": true } ... ]This step combines the contents ofhtml-client-sdk/samples/remote-plugin-sample/src/main/ui/node_modules/clarity-ui/clarity-ui-dark.min.cssandhtml-client-sdk/samples/remote-plugin-sample/src/main/ui/src/styles-dark.cssintohtml-client-sdk/samples/remote-plugin-sample/target/classes/ui/theme-dark.bundle.css.
front-end code to load style sheets that match the theme selected by the user.