Manage Components with ESXCLI
You can use ESXCLI to retrieve information about components in a depot, install or
update components, and remove components.
The following example illustrates how to list all components in a depot, retrieve
details about an individual component in the depot, install or update a component on
host, and remove a component from
the host. Installing a component update might be useful for driver troubleshooting
purposes. You can remove any unnecessary components from the host. Specify one of
the connection options listed in Connection Options for ESXCLI Host Management Commands
in place of <conn_options>
.- List all components in the depot by specifying the full remote URL to theindex.xmlfile of the online depot or the local absolute datastore path to an offline bundle.zipfile.esxcli <conn_options> software sources component list -d <depot_url_or_offline_bundle_path>The list contains information about the name, display name, version, display version, vendor, creation date, and acceptance level of each component.
- Retrieve detailed information about a specific component in the depot by specifying the component name.The component name can be either in the<orcomponent_name><format. If there are multiple components with the same name, you must specify the version. Component names are case-sensitive.component_name>:<version>esxcli <conn_options> software sources component get -n <component_name> -d <depot_url_or_offline_bundle_path>
- Install or update a component on theESXihost by specifying the name and version of the component in the depot and the location of the depot.esxcli <conn_options> software component apply -n <component_name>:<version> -d <depot_url_or_offline_bundle_path>
- Remove a component from the host.The component name can be either in the<orcomponent_name><format. If there are multiple components with the same name, you must specify the version. Component names are case-sensitive.component_name>:<version>esxcli <conn_options> software component remove -n <component_name>