In-Guest Communication LimitsLast Updated December 16, 2024
Resource constraints impose unavoidable limits on guest to host
Messages from the guest to VMX can be no more
than 64KB, including overhead. The VMX sends back at most about 1MB. If the 64KB limit
is exceeded, the request fails and an error is returned. This affects several in-guest
The guest-to-VMX limit affects
, which is why the append
flag exists. If you have a value >63K that must be set, then you should break it into
chunks. The first chunk should have the first 63K or so bytes of
, with the append
flag either omitted or
false. Subsequent chunks should call datasets-set-entries
again with
the same key, the next chunk of the value, and append
flag set true.
Iterate until the entire large value has been set.The VMX-to-guest limit affects
.If the full reply is >1MB or so, it
includes a
property. If so, then the next chunk of data for
that reply will be returned, after another call with the same parameters is sent, plus
the context
returned by the previous reply. For both
and datasets-get-entries
any chunking is done at the key level – the key and value are never separated. Confusion
might ensue if data changes midway through the process, for example, if vSphere changes
the keys or entries involved.The
is an opaque
string. Programs should never try to use anything but what was returned in the previous
reply as its value.The
limit is unlikely to be encountered in most cases, because it only occurs with >1MB of
in a single dataset.If programs query more than one entry in a
single API call, then context can come into play, because the complete reply could be
>1MB (any value could be up to 1MB). But this does mean you can get a mix of reply
sizes. A
of one set of keys that lists a small
key, a large key, and another small key might result in three replies. The first will
include just value1, the second value2 and the third value3.If you want to circumvent these limits, or
have no idea how big the values might be, you can get a single entry at a time. That is
less efficient but may be advisable.