vCenter Single Sign-On Programming Guide

vCenter Single Sign-On Programming Guide
describes how to use the VMware® vCenter Single Sign-On API.
VMware provides different APIs and SDKs for different applications and goals. The vCenter Single Sign-On SDK supports the development of vCenter clients that use SAML token authentication for access to vSphere environments.

Revision History

This book is revised with each release of the product or when necessary. A revised version can contain minor or major changes. The Revision History table summarizes the significant changes in each version of this book.
Revision History
Revision Date
11 OCT 2022
vSphere 8.0 release.
  • NET content removed.
06 OCT 2020
Update for the vSphere 7.0 Update 1 release.
02 APR 2020
Update for the vSphere 7.0 release.
Updates for the vSphere 6.7 release.
vSphere 6.5 release; vCenter Single Sign-On V2.0. Updated information about session creation sequence.
vSphere 6.0 release; vCenter Single Sign-On V2.0. Updated Chapter 6, “LoginByToken Example (JAX-WS),” to reflect the change in session logic. Updated the STS Service specification in the SSO server URL.
vSphere 5.5 release; vCenter Single Sign-On V2.0. Added documentation for C# (.NET) samples.
vCenter Single Sign-On SDK V1.0 documentation update – changed SOAP envelope description to
identify SSL/TLS (Transport Layer Security) correctly.
vCenter Single Sign-On SDK V1.0 documentation.

Intended Audience

This book is intended for anyone who needs to develop applications using the vCenter Single Sign-On SDK. An understanding of Web Services technology and some programming background in one of the stub languages (Java or C#) is required.