Restoring vApps
During the restore process, the backup
software typically restores a virtual machine in vSphere using the virtual
machine configuration and disk files. In situations where the vApp has been
lost from the vCloud Director inventory, the backup software needs to first
restore the virtual machine in vSphere, and then import the virtual machine
into vCloud Director.
Although the vApp may contain multiple virtual
machines in the view of vCloud Director, the virtual machines are known
individually to vSphere. To complete the restore operation, the backup software
needs to re-create the restored vApp so that all the member virtual machines
are created as child virtual machines of the vApp.
To re-create the vApp using the vCloud SDK
for .NET, the backup software must use two method calls:
. Use the
method to create
a vApp from any one of the child virtual machines. Then call the
method once for
each remaining child virtual machine. The following example shows how to use
both methods to create a vApp using the vCloud SDK.
// Importing Virtual Machines into vApps /// <summary> /// Reference to hold the vCloud Client reference /// </summary> private static VcloudAdminExtension extension = null; vcloudClient.login(user, password); extension = vcloudClient.getVcloudAdminExtension(); // Get references for known VIM Servers Dictionary<string, ReferenceType> vimServerRefsByName = extension.GetVMWVimServerRefsByName(); // Select VIM Server Reference VMWVimServer vimServer = VMWVimServer.GetVMWVimServerByReference(vcloudClient, vimServerRefsByName[vimServerName]); ... // Import first VM from VIM server as vApp: ImportVmIntoVAppParamsType importVmIntoVAppParamsType = new ImportVmIntoVAppParamsType(); importVmIntoVAppParamsType.vmMoRefField = moref; // vSphere ID from backup data. importVmIntoVAppParamsType.vdcField = vdcRef; // vDC where the new vApp will be created. Vapp vapp = vimServer.ImportVmAsVApp(importVmAsVAppParamsType); // Task is embedded in vapp. ... foreach (VM vm in vms) { // Import remaining VMs from VIM Server into existing vApp: … importVmIntoVAppParamsType.vmMoRefField = moref; // vSphere ID from backup data. importVmIntoVAppParamsType.vAppField = vapp; // vApp to hold restored VMs. Task task = vimServer.ImportVmIntoVApp(importVmIntoVAppParamsType); … };
The following example shows the corresponding REST
API calls used to rebuild a vApp in vCloud Director.
POST https://vCloud/api/admin/extension/vimServer/id/importVmAsVApp POST https://vCloud/api/admin/extension/vimServer/id/importVmIntoExistingVApp