Repackaging VDDK Libraries
After you develop an application based on VDDK, you might need the VDDK binaries to run your application.
As described in Redistributing VDDK Components, partners can sign a license agreement to redistribute VDDK binaries that support VADP applications.
To enable VDDK binaries on Windows virtual machines without VDDK installed
- Install the Microsoft Visual C++ (MSVC) redistributable, possibly as a merge module. The latest MSVC runtime works as side-by-side component, so manually copying it might not work on Vista. See details on the Microsoft Web site for the redistributable package, x86 processors or x64 processors. Side-by-side is also explained on the Microsoft Web site.
- Install VMware executables and DLLs from the\binand\libfolders of the installed VDDK, and thevstor2-mntapi10.sysdriver into theWindows\system\driversfolder or equivalent.
- Create and install your application, compiled in a manner similar to thevixDiskLibSample.execode, discussed in Virtual Disk API Sample Code.