Write Sectors To a Disk
Last Updated December 16, 2024

writes one or more sectors to an open virtual disk. This function expects the fourth parameter
to be
bytes long.
vixError = VixDiskLib_Write(newDisk.Handle(), i, j, buf);
In vSphere 6.7 and later, you can improve performance of NBD transport with asynchronous writes. Your program
in a loop, then calls
to let all asynchronous writes complete.
// customized callback for complete notification
void myDiskLibCompletion(void *cbData, VixError result);
// a loop for multiple write requests
for (...)
   vixError = VixDiskLib_WriteAsync(newDisk.Handle(), i, j, buf, myDiskLibCompletion, cbData);
   if (vixError != VIX_ASYNC) {
      // handle error
VixDiskLib_Wait(newDisk.Handle()); // wait for async write to complete