Compiling the Sample Program
The sample program is written in C++, although the Virtual Disk API also supports C. For compilation to succeed, the correct DLLs or shared objects must be loaded. You can ensure the success of dynamic loading in a variety of ways.
- Set the path inside the VDDK program.
- Set the path for the shell being used in Linux or in Visual Studio for Windows.For a default installation, the Linux path is/usr/share/doc/vmware-vix-disklib/sample.
- In Windows, set the Path element in the System Variables.To do this in Windows XP, right-click, selectPathin the System Variables lower list, click Edit, and add the path of the VDDK bin directory.In Windows 7, right-click, selectPathin theSystem Variableslist, click Edit, and add the path of the VDDK bin directory.C:\Program Files\VMware\VMwareVirtual DiskDevelopment Kit\doc\sample\is the default path.
Note that VDDK loads DLLs by relative path rather than absolute path, so conflicting versions of the DLLs could cause problems.