Use HTTP Requests to Set Up a Newly Deployed
vCenter Server

You can send HTTP requests to complete stage 2 of the deployment process of a newly deployed
vCenter Server
  • Verify that the newly deployed
    vCenter Server
    instance is reachable.
  • Verify that you have the correct credentials for sending HTTP requests.
You set up a newly deployed
vCenter Server
instance by providing configuration settings in the body of the HTTP request.
  1. Check whether the
    vCenter Server
    instance state is set to
    GET https://<
    If the
    vCenter Server
    instance is in the correct state, you receive a message body that contains the following line and you can continue with the setup process.
    ... "state": "INITIALIZED", ...
  2. Validate the configuration settings that you provide in the body of the HTTP request.
    POST https://<
    The following example shows syntax that you can use in the body of the HTTP request.
    { "spec": { "vcsa_embedded": { "ceip_enabled": true, "standalone": { "sso_domain_name": "vsphere.local", "sso_admin_password": "<
    >" } }, "auto_answer": true } }
    If the input is valid, you receive the following response.
    { "status": "SUCCESS" }
  3. Initiate the setup process by providing valid input in the body of the HTTP request.
    POST https://<
  4. Monitor the progress of the setup process.
    GET https://<
    The following example shows part of the response body when the setup process is ongoing.
    { "progress": { "completed": 2, "message": { "id": "install.ciscommon.component.starting", "args": [ "VMware Authentication Framework" ], "default_message": "Starting VMware Authentication Framework..." }, "total": 3 }, "status": "RUNNING", "state": "CONFIG_IN_PROGRESS", "operation": "INSTALL", ...
    The following example shows part of the response body when the setup process has completed successfully.
    { "subtask_order": [ "rpminstall", "validate", "firstboot" ], "cancelable": false, "progress": { "completed": 3, "total": 3, "message": { "default_message": "Task has completed successfully.", "id": "com.vmware.vcenter.deploy.task.complete.success", "args": [] } }, "status": "SUCCEEDED", "description": { "default_message": "Install vCenter Server.", "id": "com.vmware.vcenter.deploy.task.description.op.install", "args": [] }, "state": "CONFIGURED", ...
You successfully configured the newly deployed
vCenter Server