Upgrading a vCenter Server Instance
vCenter Server
InstanceYou can use the API during stage 2 of
vCenter Server
upgrade. By using the API, you can upgrade your
vCenter Server
instance. For information about
the upgrade process, its stages, supported configurations, upgrade paths,
prerequisites for upgrading, and the sequence for upgrading a vSphere
environment, see the vCenter Server
documentation. After you deploy the
vCenter Server
instance on stage 1 by using the GUI or CLI, the
instance enters in an INITIALIZED
state. If the vCenter Server
instance is not initialized, you cannot run stage 2 of the
upgrade process. You can get the state of the vCenter Server
instance by using the vcenter deployment
service. There are six states during the upgrade process. Upgrade Stage 2 State

| Description
| The upgrade stage 1 phase is in progress,
not started, or failed.
| The vCenter Server instance
is deployed and ready for upgrading. |
| The upgrade process is in progress.
| You must answer the question to continue the upgrade process. The
vCenter Server
instance stays in the QUESTION_RAISED state until it receives the correct
answer. |
| Errors appeared during the upgrade process.
You can check the errors, warnings, and info data structures.
| The vCenter Server instance
is upgraded or configured successfully. |
are final
You can roll back a
vCenter Server
instance upgrade by using the GUI. For information
about how to roll back a vCenter Server
instance, see the vCenter Server
documentation. After the upgrade, you can check the
vCenter Server
instance type, domain
registration, services, their state and health status by using the API. For
information about how to verify whether the upgrade of your vCenter Server
instance is successful, see the
vCenter Server Upgrade
documentation. Table 2 shows operations that you
can perform to upgrade your
vCenter Server
instance. Operation
| Description
Operations for upgrading | |
Get the state of the vCenter Server instance | You can get the state of
the vCenter Server instance before, during and after the
upgrade process. For information
about the HTTP requests for diagnostic and deferring the
transfer of historical data, see HTTP Requests for Upgrade Stage 2. |
| You can validate the upgrade spec before you run
the upgrade process. If the vCenter Server instance is in the INITIALIZED state, you can run the validation.
The operation runs upgrade pre-checks. You can check the errors,
warnings, and status data structures before you run the upgrade
process. For information
about the HTTP requests for upgrading, see HTTP Requests for Upgrade Stage 2. |
| If the vCenter Server instance is in an INITIALIZED state, you can run the upgrade
process. If errors appear during the upgrade, you can download
the vCenter Server
support bundle. For information
about the HTTP requests for upgrading, see HTTP Requests for Upgrade Stage 2. |
| If the vCenter Server instance is in a CONFIGURED state, you can get the spec
that is used for upgrading. For information
about the HTTP requests for upgrading, see HTTP Requests for Upgrade Stage 2. |
Operations for getting and
answering a question
| |
| You can get the raised question. If you set the
Upgrade.auto_answer to true , the upgrade process will be in a silent mode and the vCenter Server instance does
not generate questions. It uses default answers and you should
not provide an answer. For information
about the HTTP requests for getting and answering a question,
see HTTP Requests for Upgrade Stage 2. |
| You can provide an answer to the raised question.
The available answers for the upgrading are OK ,
NO , ABORT , RETRY , and IGNORE . The answer depends on the type of the
question. If you set the Upgrade.auto_answer to true , the upgrade process will be in a silent mode and the vCenter Server instance does
not generate questions. It uses default answers and you should
not provide an answer. For information
about the HTTP requests for getting and answering a question,
see HTTP Requests for Upgrade Stage 2. |
For information about the available operations in the
API, see the
, vcenter deployment upgrade
, vcenter services
, and
vcenter system-config
deployment type
services in the API reference
documentation. You can upgrade your
vCenter Server
instance by using
HTTP requests. For information about the HTTP requests, see HTTP Requests for Upgrade Stage 2.