Programming Language Support in the vSphere Web
Services SDK
You can develop for the vSphere API in any language from which
you can generate client-side stubs from Web-services WSDL files. This section describes SDK
support for Java clients.
See What files are in the vSphere Web Services SDK package
for additional packaging details and for some caveats about the Java samples and for
specific version requirements for the JDK, the Java API for XML Web Services
libraries, and the JAXB libraries.
Context | Java |
Development environment or
framework | JDK 11 (also known as J2SE 1.11). |
Web-services-client application development toolset,
also known as a SOAP toolkit | JAX-WS 2.3.3 and later (Java/Jakarta XML Web
Services). JAXB 2.3.2 and later (Java/Jakarta XML
Binding). |
SOAP toolkits are readily available for Java. Developers, scripters, and
administrators can also use Microsoft PowerShell or Perl with the
vSphere Web Services API through toolkits that VMware provides. For more
information, see