Adding a Host to a
The methods available for adding hosts to a
cluster are useful under different circumstances. Each method returns a managed
object reference to a task.
- ClusterComputeResource.AddHost_Taskadds a host to the cluster. The host may be specified by a numeric IP address or a DNS resolvable name. If the cluster supports nested resource pools and you pass an optionalresourcePoolargument, the host's resource pool hierarchy is imported into the new nested resource pool. If a cluster does not support nested resource pools, the host resource pool hierarchy is discarded and all virtual machines on the host are added to the cluster's root resource pool.
- ClusterComputeResource.MoveInto_Taskmoves a host in the datacenter into a cluster, or from one cluster into another. TheMoveHostInto_Taskmethod is similar, with extraresourcePoolparameter.
- Folder.BatchAddStandaloneHosts_Taskadds a list ofnewHoststo the inventory as standalone hosts. This operation works though the list of hosts and returns, in the task result, a list of hosts that were successfully added.