Configuring Virtual CPUs and Memory

To configure the capabilities of a virtual machine, you use properties of the
data object to specify the machine characteristics available to the guest operating system. The guest uses these capabilities in the same way as resources on a physical machine.

Configuring Virtual CPUs

Set the number of virtual CPU cores for the virtual machine with the
property. Legal values for this property change depending on the
value you specify. If you use
to update the virtual machine properties, you can omit this property to leave it unchanged.
The guest operating system acts as if it had
cores available at all times, but the host's physical resources are shared by all its virtual machines. The host allocates physical cores in time slices aa backing for virtual cores. For information about how to specify guidance for resource allocation, see Configuring Resource Allocation Constraints for Virtual Machines.

Configuring Multi-Core CPUs

Set the number of cores per CPU chip with the
property. The value must be an integral divisor of
. The default value is
if the property is omitted for virtual machine creation. If you use
to update the virtual machine properties, you can omit this property to leave it unchanged.

Configuring Memory

Set the RAM size for a virtual machine with the
property. If you use
to update the virtual machine properties, you can omit this property to leave it unchanged.
The guest operating system acts as if it had
available at all times, but the host's physical resources are shared by all its virtual machines. The amount of physical memory available as backing for virtual machines can vary over time, and it can affect virtual machine performance. For information about how to specify guidance for resource allocation, see Configuring Resource Allocation Constraints for Virtual Machines.