Shared VIP
provides support for sharing VIP among multiple Kubernetes Services of type LoadBalancer
deployed in the same namespace. Generally, with LoadBalancer services, AKO
creates dedicated L4 virtual services in the NSX Advanced Load Balancer Controller
, but multiple LoadBalancer
services can also be combined to share a single VIP.Shared VIP is supported for
, NodePort
, and NodePortLocal
service types in the AKO
configuration.Sharing Single VIP
Sharing of single VIP among multiple services is achieved by providing an annotation to multiple
Services, where VIP sharing is intended. The annotation to be applied is
with a string value as shown below:apiVersion: v1 kind: Service metadata: annotations: "shared-vip-key-1" name: sharedvip-avisvc-lb1 namespace: default spec: type: LoadBalancer ports: - port: 80 targetPort: 8080 selector: app: avi-server --- apiVersion: v1 kind: Service metadata: annotations: "shared-vip-key-1" name: sharedvip-avisvc-lb2 namespace: default spec: type: LoadBalancer ports: - port: 80 protocol: UDP targetPort: 8080 selector: app: avi-server
creates a single L4 virtual service (with a single VIP) based on the annotation value, and the port, protocol, app selector information will be used to configure pools and backend servers for this virtual service. After the successful creation of the corresponding Virtual Service and VIP, the Status of both the LoadBalancer
Services will reflect the single VIP configured on the NSX Advanced Load Balancer Controller
.NAME TYPE CLUSTER-IP EXTERNAL-IP PORT(S) AGE sharedvip-avisvc-lb1 LoadBalancer 80:31658/TCP 6d23h sharedvip-avisvc-lb2 LoadBalancer 80:31331/UDP 6d23h
If there is a requirement to set a preferred static VIP through the
field in the service, all LoadBalancer
services sharing the annotation value must have the same preferred VIP provided in the spec. If two services under the same Annotation value have different static VIP set, no virtual service will be configured. This is treated as a misconfiguration and will be logged in AKO
accordingly.An example of configuring multiple
services to share a preferred VIP is shown below:apiVersion: v1 kind: Service metadata: annotations: "shared-vip-key-1" name: sharedvip-avisvc-lb1 namespace: default spec: type: LoadBalancer loadBalancerIP: ports: - port: 80 targetPort: 8080 selector: app: avi-server --- apiVersion: v1 kind: Service metadata: annotations: "shared-vip-key-1" name: sharedvip-avisvc-lb2 namespace: default spec: type: LoadBalancer loadBalancerIP: ports: - port: 80 protocol: UDP targetPort: 8080 selector: app: avi-server
The expected status message must have the VIP matching the preferred static IP provided in the Service spec.
NAME TYPE CLUSTER-IP EXTERNAL-IP PORT(S) AGE sharedvip-avisvc-lb1 LoadBalancer 80:31658/TCP 6d23h sharedvip-avisvc-lb2 LoadBalancer 80:31331/UDP 6d23h
Consider the following when configuring the services with the aforementioned annotation:
- Ensure that LoadBalancer services which are intended to share a VIP, must have the same annotation value. As shown in the example above, the annotation valueshared-vip-key-1is same for both services.
- To avoid any errors while configuring the virtual service on theNSX Advanced Load Balancer Controller, it is required that there is no conflicting Port-Protocol pairs in theLoadBalancerservices that share the annotation value. From the example, both services are exposing a unique, non-conflicting Port-Protocol for the backend application, namely, 80/TCP and 80/UDP.
- The annotation must be provided only on service of typeLoadBalancers.
AviInfrasetting Support
resources can be attached to LoadBalancer
Kubernetes services using the annotation <aviinfra-crd-name>
.For more information, see AviInfraSetting.
Make sure that LoadBalancer services which are intended to share a VIP must have the same
annotation value.