Deploying AKO on Istio
on IstioAKO
can be deployed in an Istio environment. Currently, strict mTLS is supported in ClusterIP mode. This section explains the steps to deploy AKO
on Istio and verify the deployment.This feature is currently under Tech Preview.
Deploying and Verifying AKO Deployment on Istio
Deployment on IstioTo deploy
, follow the steps given below:- Set the flagistioEnabledtoTruein values.yaml to allowAKOto work in an Istio environment.
- Verify istio sidecar injection is enabled and working:kubectl logs ako-0 -n avi-system -c istio-proxy
- Verify theistio-secretsecret is created in theAKOnamespace with cert-chain, key and root-cert data populated. These correspond to the workload and CA certificates.kubectl describe secret istio-secret -n <AKOnamesapce>
- Verify the PKI profile usingpkiprofile istio-pki-<clustername>-<AKOnamespace>andsslkeyandcertification istio-workload-<clustername>-<AKOnamespace>are created on the Controller.
Service Name for AKO
and the NSX Advanced Load Balancer
Service Engines use a service name based on the AKO
service account and AKO
namespace such as cluster.local/ns/<AKOnamespace>/sa/<AKOServiceAccount>
.For example,
This service name must be used when updating the auth policy CRD for Istio.
prioritizes the Istio pkiprofile over any other PKI profile reference added using httprule
works only with L7.Troubleshooting
Issue | Workaround |
Sidecar injection for AKO is not working | Try enabling injection for the ako namespace. For example, kubectl label namespace avi-system istio-injection=enabled --overwrite . |
istio-secret is not created | Check AKO cluster role has permissions to create or update secrets in the AKO namespace. |