
is an operator which works as an ingress controller and performs
Avi Load Balancer
specific functions in an OpenShift/Kubernetes environment with the
Avi Load Balancer Controller
runs as a pod in the OpenShift/Kubernetes cluster and translates the required OpenShift/Kubernetes objects to
Avi Load Balancer
objects and automates the implementation of ingresses/routes/services on the Service Engines (SE) through the
Avi Load Balancer Controller
The following illustration outlines the components of the Avi Kubernetes integration.

Avi Load Balancer Controller

Avi Load Balancer Controller
provides the central control, management, and observability functions in the
Avi Load Balancer
architecture. It manages the lifecycle of the Service Engines, their configurations, and provides centralized analytics and observability.

Avi Load Balancer
Service Engines (cluster-external)

Avi Load Balancer
Service Engines are the data-plane engines that implement the virtual services for Kubernetes ingresses, LB type services, OpenShift routes, Gateway, and HTTPRoute objects. These SEs handle all the data plane responsibilities in the platform.