Release Notes for AKO Version 1.11.1
Version 1.11.1This section lists the new features, issues resolved and known issues in
version 1.11.1.What’s New in AKO Version 1.11.1
Version 1.11.1- Support for gateway API (Tech Preview).
- Support for configuring the nsxt1lr in AviInfrasetting.
- SSL support for L4 virtual services with L4Rule CRD.
- AKOsupportsimage pull secretto pullAKOimage from secured registries.
Issues Resolved in AKO Version 1.11.1
Version 1.11.1- AKOprograms routes with secondary IPs in OpenShift.
- WhenHTTPRulesare applied to the ingresses, with same FQDN and path but deployed in different namespaces, thenhttpruleconfig is removed from one of the pool when anotherhttpruleis applied.
- Virtual service and pools are not deleted when multiple ingress use same infrasetting for shard size.
- DNS mentioned not added as parthost-fqdn-vs-uuid-mapor vsvip dns infoif is also applied to the LB service.
- Ports 80 and 443 are associated with Dedicated Insecure virtual services by default when no listeners are defined inHostRuleCRD.
- If onlyloadBalancerIPis provided and no listeners are specified in theHostRuletcpSettingssection, the virtual services creation fails with error:Service mandatory for Virtual Service.
Key Changes in AKO Version 1.11.1
Version 1.11.1- API version for AviInfrasetting, Hostrule and HTTPRule has been updated fromv1alpha1tov1beta1. Update CRD definitions before upgradingAKOto 1.11.1.
- Add Hostname from external-dns annotation only when AutoFQDN is flat or default for service type LB.
- Reduce the length of the label created by theAKOwhen the AutoFQDN is set as flat for service of Type LB.
- Do not add gslbFqdn, mentioned in Hostrule, to the vsvip fqdn whenAKOis running in Dedicated mode.
Known Issue in AKO Version 1.11.1
Version 1.11.1- ForAvi Load Balancerversion less than 30.1.1, when usingSSORuleCRD, ifauthnReqAcsTypeis set toSAML_AUTHN_REQ_ACS_TYPE_URL, Request Body Buffering needs to be enabled for EVH parent virtual service for SAML traffic to work. This can be achieved by creating a custom application profile of type HTTP in theAvi Load Balancerwith Request Body Buffering enabled and attaching that application profile to the EVH parent VS by using a HostRule CRD object. TheAvi Load Balancerversion 30.1.1 is supported starting withAKOversion 1.11.1.