Release Notes for AKO Version 1.13.1
Version 1.13.1This section lists the new features, issues resolved and known issues in
version 1.13.1.What's New in AKO 1.13.1
1.13.1- AKOnow claims support for Kubernetes 1.31 and OCP 4.17.
- Support for EndpointSlices as the default mechanism for determining the network endpoints associated with a service in Kubernetes. For more information, see enableEndpointSlice in theTunables for AKOtopic.
- Support for graceful shutdown of backend servers when EndpointSlices usage is enabled. For more information, see enableEndpointSlice in theTunables fortopic.AKO
- Support foruseRegexandapplicationRootPathfields in HostRule CRD. For more information, see useRegex and applicationRootPath in theHostRuletopic.
- Support forenableHTTP2field in HTTPRule CRD. For more information, see enableHTTP2 in theHTTPRuletopic.
- Support for restricting cross-namespace usage of FQDNs/hostnames using thefqdnReusePolicyflag in ConfigMap. For more information, see FQDN Restriction.
- AKO now supports OpenShift Routes withspec.subdomainfield specified instead ofspec.hostfield, using thedefaultDomainfield inConfigMap. For more information, see NetworkSettings.defaultDomain in theTunables fortopic.AKO
AKO GatewayAPI implementation
- Support for Service of type NodePortLocal.
- Support for wildcard in.
- Support for wildcard prefixed Hostname in HTTPRoute.
- Support for ListenerConditionAccepted, ListenerConditionResolvedRefs and ListenerConditionProgrammed in Gateway Listener status, GatewayConditionAccepted and GatewayConditionProgrammed in Gateway status and RouteConditionAccepted and RouteConditionResolvedRefs in HTTPRoute status.
- Support for sending 404 Response code, if no path matches for a request.
- Support for multiple listeners in a Gateway having the same port and protocol and different hostname and name.
- Support for graceful shutdown of backend servers.
- Support for Endpointslices or Endpoints usingenableEndpointSliceflag in configmap.
- Events will now be raised if the status update of Gateway or HTTPRoute fails.
Issues Resolved in AKO 1.13.1
1.13.1- AKOcrashes when an Ingress is configured with a HostRule object that has theanalyticsPolicy.logAllHeaderssetting enabled.
- AKOdoes not configure theError Page Profilefor an EVH parent shared virtual service whenerrorPageProfileis set in a matching HostRule object.
- AKO-Gateway does not create a virtual service if Gateway has multiple listeners with the same hostname but a different port and a single HTTP route is attached to it.
Key Changes in AKO 1.13.1
1.13.1- TheL4Settings.defaultDomainfield in Helm values.yaml is deprecated in favour of the newly introducedNetworkSettings.defaultDomainfield. The value in the latter will be preferred for populatingdefaultDomainfield in ConfigMap. For more information, see NetworkSettings.defaultDomain in theTunables fortopic.AKO
- AKOnow accepts Gateway with some valid and some invalid listeners.
- AKO now allows the creation/updation of HTTPRoute and Gateway in any order. For more information, see Resource Creation in theGateway API - v1topic.
- HTTPRoute deletion will not update Gateway listener status withVirtual service deleted.
- If the Secret specified in the TLS section does not exist,AKOwill invalidate the Gateway listener and not generate any configuration corresponding to it. If an existing Secret is deleted, then Parent VS configurations corresponding to it will be deleted.
Known Issue in AKO 1.13.1
1.13.1- If the tenant name contains invalid characters outside the range of (0-9/A-Z/a-z/-/_),AKOfails to create shared SNI parent VS VIPs.