The Connector for VMware Greenplum and VMware GemFire facilitates the acquisition of a copy of the contents of a VMware GemFire region, updating an equivalent representation of the region in a VMware Greenplum table. Data can also flow in the opposite direction: the connector facilitates the acquisition of a copy of the contents of a Greenplum Database table, updating an equivalent representation of the table in a GemFire region.
Importing Data from Greenplum to GemFire
An import copies all rows from a Greenplum Database table to a GemFire region.
Exporting Data from GemFire to Greenplum
An export copies region entries from a GemFire region to a Greenplum Database table.
How the types correspond between a GemFire region and a Greenplum Database table are described in a
file. -
An implementation of an event listener interface defines callbacks that will be invoked at various points within the import or export operation.
GemFire's role-based authorization verifies that an authenticated user has the correct permissions for requested operations.
Statistics Available for Monitoring
Statistics about import and export operations that are currently in progress are placed into GemFire regions.
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