Spring Boot for Tanzu GemFire 1.0

Using GemFire Properties

Last Updated February 19, 2025

This topic discusses using GemFire properties with Spring Boot for Tanzu GemFire.

As of Spring Boot for Tanzu GemFire 1.0.0, you can declare VMware GemFire properties from gemfire.properties in Spring Boot application.properties.

Tip See the User Guide for a complete list of valid VMware GemFire properties.

Note that you can declare only valid GemFire properties in gemfire.properties or, alternatively, gfsecurity.properties.

The following example shows how to declare properties in gemfire.properties:

Example 1. Valid gemfire.properties

# GemFire Properties in gemfire.properties

# ...

All the properties declared in the preceding example correspond to valid GemFire properties. It is illegal to declare properties in gemfire.properties that are not valid GemFire properties, even if those properties are prefixed with a different qualifier (such as spring.*). VMware GemFire throws an IllegalArgumentException for invalid properties.

Consider the following gemfire.properties file with an invalid-property:

Example 2. Invalid gemfire.properties

# GemFire Properties in gemfire.properties


VMware GemFire throws an IllegalArgumentException:

Example 3. IllegalArgumentException thrown by VMware GemFire for Invalid Property (Full Text Omitted)

Exception in thread "main" java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: Unknown configuration attribute name invalid-property.
Valid attribute names are: ack-severe-alert-threshold ack-wait-threshold archive-disk-space-limit ...
    at o.a.g.internal.AbstractConfig.checkAttributeName(AbstractConfig.java:333)
    at o.a.g.distributed.internal.AbstractDistributionConfig.checkAttributeName(AbstractDistributionConfig.java:725)
    at o.a.g.distributed.internal.AbstractDistributionConfig.getAttributeType(AbstractDistributionConfig.java:887)
    at o.a.g.internal.AbstractConfig.setAttribute(AbstractConfig.java:222)
    at o.a.g.distributed.internal.DistributionConfigImpl.initialize(DistributionConfigImpl.java:1632)
    at o.a.g.distributed.internal.DistributionConfigImpl.<init>(DistributionConfigImpl.java:994)
    at o.a.g.distributed.internal.DistributionConfigImpl.<init>(DistributionConfigImpl.java:903)
    at o.a.g.distributed.internal.ConnectionConfigImpl.lambda$new$2(ConnectionConfigImpl.java:37)
    at o.a.g.distributed.internal.ConnectionConfigImpl.convert(ConnectionConfigImpl.java:73)
    at o.a.g.distributed.internal.ConnectionConfigImpl.<init>(ConnectionConfigImpl.java:36)
    at o.a.g.distributed.internal.InternalDistributedSystem$Builder.build(InternalDistributedSystem.java:3004)
    at o.a.g.distributed.internal.InternalDistributedSystem.connectInternal(InternalDistributedSystem.java:269)
    at o.a.g.cache.client.ClientCacheFactory.connectInternalDistributedSystem(ClientCacheFactory.java:280)
    at o.a.g.cache.client.ClientCacheFactory.basicCreate(ClientCacheFactory.java:250)
    at o.a.g.cache.client.ClientCacheFactory.create(ClientCacheFactory.java:216)
    at org.example.app.ApacheGeodeClientCacheApplication.main(...)

It is inconvenient to have to separate VMware GemFire properties from other application properties, or to have to declare only VMware GemFire properties in a gemfire.properties file and application properties in a separate properties file, such as Spring Boot application.properties.

Additionally, because of VMware GemFire’s constraint on properties, you cannot use the full power of Spring Boot when you compose application.properties.

You can include certain properties based on a Spring profile while excluding other properties. This is essential when properties are environment- or context-specific.

Spring Data for VMware GemFire already provides a wide range of properties mapping to VMware GemFire properties.

For example, the Spring Data for VMware GemFire spring.data.gemfire.locators property maps to the gemfire.locators property (locators in gemfire.properties) from VMware GemFire. Likewise, there are a full set of Spring Data for VMware GemFire properties that map to the corresponding VMware GemFire properties in the Appendix.

You can express the GemFire properties shown earlier as Spring Data for VMware GemFire properties in Spring Boot application.properties, as follows:

Example 4. Configuring GemFire Properties using Spring Data for VMware GemFire Properties

# Spring Data for VMware GemFire properties in application.properties

# ...

However, some VMware GemFire properties have no equivalent Spring Data for VMware GemFire property, such as gemfire.groups (groups in gemfire.properties). This is partly due to the fact that many VMware GemFire properties are applicable only when configured on the server (such as groups or enforce-unique-host).

Furthermore, many of the Spring Data for VMware GemFire properties also correspond to API calls.

For example, spring.data.gemfire.cache.client.keep-alive translates to the ClientCache.close(boolean keepAlive) API call (see VMware GemFire Java API Reference).

Still, it would be convenient to be able to declare application and VMware GemFire properties together, in a single properties file, such as Spring Boot application.properties. After all, it is not uncommon to declare JDBC Connection properties in a Spring Boot application.properties file.

Therefore, as of Spring Boot for Tanzu GemFire 1.0.0, you can now declare VMware GemFire properties in Spring Boot application.properties directly, as follows:

Example 5. GemFire Properties declared in Spring Boot application.properties

# Spring Boot application.properties


This is convenient and ideal for several reasons:

  • If you already have a large number of VMware GemFire properties declared as gemfire. properties (either in gemfire.properties or gfsecurity.properties) or declared on the Java command-line as JVM System properties (such as -Dgemfire.name=ExampleCacheName), you can reuse these property declarations.

  • If you are unfamiliar with Spring Data for VMware GemFire’s corresponding properties, you can declare GemFire properties instead.

  • You can take advantage of Spring features, such as Spring profiles.

  • You can also use property placeholders with GemFire properties (such as gemfire.log-level=${external.log-level.property}).

Tip We encourage you to use the Spring Data for VMware GemFire properties, which cover more than VMware GemFire properties.

However, Spring Boot for Tanzu GemFire requires that the GemFire property must have the gemfire. prefix in Spring Boot application.properties. This indicates that the property belongs to VMware GemFire. Without the gemfire. prefix, the property is not appropriately applied to the VMware GemFire cache instance.

It would be ambiguous if your Spring Boot applications integrated with several technologies, including VMware GemFire, and they too had matching properties, such as bind-address or log-file.

Spring Boot for Tanzu GemFire makes a best attempt to log warnings when a GemFire property is invalid or is not set. For example, the following GemFire property would result in logging a warning:

Example 6. Invalid VMware GemFire Property

# Spring Boot application.properties


The resulting warning in the log would read:

Example 7. Invalid GemFire Property Warning Message

[gemfire.non-existing-property] is not a valid VMware GemFire property

If a GemFire Property is not properly set, the following warning is logged:

Example 8. Invalid GemFire Property Value Warning Message

VMware GemFire Property [gemfire.security-manager] was not set

In regard to the third point mentioned earlier, you can now compose and declare GemFire properties based on a context (such as your application environment) using Spring profiles.

For example, you might start with a base set of properties in Spring Boot application.properties:

Example 9. Base Properties


Then you can vary the properties by environment, as the next two listings (for QA and production) show:

Example 10. QA Properties

# Spring Boot application-qa.properties

# ...

Example 11. Production Properties

# Spring Boot application-prod.properties

# ...

You can then apply the appropriate set of properties by configuring the Spring profile with -Dspring.profiles.active=prod. You can also enable more than one profile at a time with -Dspring.profiles.active=profile1,profile2,…,profileN

If both spring.data.gemfire.* properties and the matching VMware GemFire properties are declared in Spring Boot application.properties, the Spring Data for VMware GemFire properties take precedence.

If a property is specified more than once, as would potentially be the case when composing multiple Spring Boot application.properties files and you enable more than one Spring profile at time, the last property declaration wins. In the example shown earlier, the value for gemfire.groups would be PROD when -Dspring.profiles.active=qa,prod is configured.

Consider the following Spring Boot application.properties:

Example 12. Property Precedence

# Spring Boot application.properties


The durable-client-id is 987. It does not matter which order the Spring Data for VMware GemFire or VMware GemFire properties are declared in Spring Boot application.properties. The matching Spring Data for VMware GemFire property overrides the VMware GemFire property when duplicates are found.

Finally, you cannot refer to GemFire properties declared in Spring Boot application.properties with the Spring Boot for Tanzu GemFire GemFireProperties class.

Consider the following example:

Example 13. GemFire Properties declared in Spring Boot application.properties

# Spring Boot application.properties


Given the preceding property, the following assertion holds:

import org.springframework.geode.boot.auto-configure.configuration.GemFireProperties;

class GemFirePropertiesTestSuite {

    private GemFireProperties gemfireProperties;

    public void gemfirePropertiesTestCase() {
Tip You can declare application.properties in the @SpringBootTest annotation. For example, you could have declared gemfire.name in the annotation by setting @SpringBootTest(properties = { "gemfire.name=TestCacheName" }) for testing purposes instead of declaring the property in a separate Spring Boot application.properties file.

Only spring.data.gemfire.* prefixed properties are mapped to the Spring Boot for Tanzu GemFire GemFireProperties class hierarchy.