Tanzu for Valkey on Cloud Foundry 4.0

VMware Tanzu for Valkey on Cloud Foundry

Last Updated February 19, 2025

VMware Tanzu for Valkey on Cloud Foundry was previously known as Redis for VMware Tanzu Application Service. For the Redis for VMware Tanzu Application Service v3.5 and earlier documentation, see Redis for Tanzu Application Service.

Tanzu Application Service has been renamed, and is now called Tanzu Platform for Cloud Foundry. The current version of Tanzu Platform for Cloud Foundry is 10.0.

This is documentation for VMware Tanzu for Valkey on Cloud Foundry. You can download the Tanzu for Valkey on Cloud Foundry tile from Broadcom’s Customer Support Portal.

This documentation:

  • Describes features and architecture of Tanzu for Valkey on Cloud Foundry.
  • Instructs operators on how to install, configure, maintain, and backup Tanzu for Valkey on Cloud Foundry.
  • Instructs app developers on how to choose a service plan, create and delete Valkey service instances, and bind an app.

Product Snapshot

Element Details
Version 4.0.1
Release date December 20, 2024
Software component version Valkey OSS 8.0.1
Compatible Tanzu Operations Manager version(s) 2.10, 3.0
Compatible Tanzu Platform for Cloud Foundry version(s) 10.0
Compatible Tanzu Application Service version(s) 2.11, 2.13, 4.0, 5.0, and 6.0
IaaS support AWS, Azure, GCP, OpenStack, and vSphere
IPsec support Yes

About Valkey

Valkey™* is an easy-to-use, high-speed key-value store that can be used as a database, cache, and message broker. It supports a range of data structures including strings, lists, hashes, sets, bitmaps, HyperLogLogs, and geospatial indexes. It’s easy to install and configure and is popular with engineers as a straightforward NoSQL datastore. It’s used for everything from a quick way to store data for development and testing through to enterprise-scale apps like Twitter.

About Tanzu for Valkey on Cloud Foundry

Tanzu for Valkey on Cloud Foundry packages Valkey for deployment and operability.

There are two service offerings:

  • On-Demand Service—Provides a dedicated VM running a Valkey instance. The operator can configure up to three plans with different configurations, memory sizes, and quotas App developers can provision an instance for any of the On-Demand plans offered and configure certain Valkey settings.

  • Shared-VM Service—Provides support for a number of Valkey instances running in a single VM. It is designed for testing and development purposes only, do not use the Shared-VM service in production environments. The Shared-VM instances are pre-provisioned by the operator with a fixed number of instances and memory size. App developers can then use one of these pre-provisioned instances.

For more information about the plans, see:

Is Tanzu for Valkey on Cloud Foundry Right for Your Enterprise?

For information about recommended use cases, and the enterprise-readiness of Tanzu for Valkey on Cloud Foundry, see Is Tanzu for Valkey on Cloud Foundry right for your enterprise?.

Upgrading to the Latest Version

For information about how to upgrade and the supported upgrade paths, see Upgrading VMware Tanzu for Valkey on Cloud Foundry.

Additional Information

The following table lists where you can find topics related to the information about this page:

For More Information About…See…
Product compatibilityUpgrading your Tanzu Operations Manager deployment
How to upgrade Tanzu for Valkey on Cloud FoundryUpgrading VMware Tanzu for Valkey on Cloud Foundry
How to use ValkeyValkey Documentation

Tanzu for Valkey on Cloud Foundry and other Services

As well as Tanzu for Valkey on Cloud Foundry, other services offer on-demand service plans. These plans allow developers to provision service instances when they want.

These contrast with the older pre-provisioned service plans, which require operators to provision the service instances during installation and configuration through the service tile UI.

The following table lists which service tiles offer on-demand and pre-provisioned service plans.

Service Tile Standalone Product Related to the Service Supports On-Demand Supports Pre-Provisioned
VMware Tanzu RabbitMQ on Cloud Foundry RabbitMQ Yes Yes. Only recommended for test environments.
VMware Tanzu for Valkey on Cloud Foundry Valkey Yes Yes (shared-VM plan). Recommended only for test environments.
VMware Tanzu for MySQL on Cloud Foundry MySQL Yes
VMware Tanzu GemFire on Cloud Foundry VMware GemFire Yes No

For services that offer both on-demand and pre-provisioned plans, you can choose the plan you want to use when configuring the tile.