Tanzu Greenplum Platform Extension Framework 6.4

Uninstalling Tanzu Greenplum Platform Extension Framework

Last Updated February 14, 2025

The VMware Tanzu Greenplum Platform Extension Framework download package is an .rpm or .deb file that installs libraries, executables, and script files on a Greenplum Database host.

If you want to remove PXF from the Greenplum cluster and from your hosts, you will:

  1. Satisfy the prerequisites.
  2. Remove all external tables that you created that specify the pxf protocol. You can remove them manually, or you can provide the CASCADE keyword when you unregister PXF as described in the next step.
  3. Unregister PXF from all databases in which you registered the pxf extension.
  4. Uninstall PXF from every host in your Greenplum Database cluster.


Before you uninstall PXF, ensure that you meet the following prerequisites:

  • You have the Greenplum Database permissions required to remove pxf external tables and to drop the pxf extension in affected databases.
  • You have access to all hosts (master, standby master, and segment hosts) in your Greenplum Database cluster.
  • You must be an operating system superuser, or have sudo privileges, to remove the package.

Uninstalling the Package

Follow these steps to remove PXF from your Greenplum Database cluster:

  1. Log in to the Greenplum Database master node. For example:

    $ ssh gpadmin@<gpmaster>
  2. Stop PXF as described in Stopping the Service.

  3. Remove the library and extension files from your Greenplum installation:

    gpadmin@gpmaster$ rm $GPHOME/lib/postgresql/pxf.so
    gpadmin@gpmaster$ rm $GPHOME/share/postgresql/extension/pxf*
  4. Remove the package from each Greenplum Database master, standby, and segment host. You must be an operating system superuser, or have sudo privileges, to remove the package. For example, if you installed PXF for Greenplum 6 in the default location on a CentOS 7 system, the following command removes the package on all hosts listed in gphostfile:

    On a CentOS/RHEL 7.x or 8.x system:

    gpadmin@gpmaster$ gpssh -e -v -f gphostfile "sudo rpm -e pxf-gp6"

    On an Ubuntu system:

    gpadmin@gpmaster$ gpssh -e -v -f gphostfile "sudo dpkg --remove pxf-gp6"

    The command removes the install files on all Greenplum hosts. The command also removes the runtime directories on all hosts.

Note: The PXF configuration directories in $PXF_BASE are not affected by this command and remain on the Greenplum hosts.