GPSS load configuration file for a RabbitMQ data source (version 2).
Where you may specify any property value with a template variable that GPSS substitutes at runtime using the following syntax:
You specify load configuration parameters for the gpsscli
utilities in a YAML-formatted configuration file. (This reference page uses the name rabbitmq-v2.yaml
when referring to this file; you may choose your own name for the file.) Load parameters include VMware Tanzu Greenplum connection and target table information, RabbitMQ data source information, and error and commit thresholds.
The gpsscli
utility processes the YAML configuration file in order, using indentation (spaces) to determine the document hierarchy and the relationships between the sections. The use of white space in the file is significant, and keywords are case-sensitive.
Keywords and Values
Tanzu Greenplum Options
DATABASE: <db_name>
- The name of the Tanzu Greenplum.
USER: <user_name>
- The name of the Tanzu Greenplum user/role. This user_name must have permissions as described in the Tanzu Greenplum streaming server documentation.
PASSWORD: <password>
- The password for the Tanzu Greenplum user/role.
HOST: <host>
- The host name or IP address of the Tanzu Greenplum coordinator host.
PORT: <greenplum_port>
- The port number of the Tanzu Greenplum server on the coordinator host.
- The version of the GPSS configuration file. You must specify
when you configure theDATA
block in the file.
- RabbitMQ input configuration parameters.
SERVER: <rmq_user:rmq_password@rmq_host:rmq_port>
- The RabbitMQ server connection string; includes the user name with which RabbitMQ logs in to the broker, the password for rmq_user, the hostname or IP address of the RabbitMQ server, and the port number on which the RabbitMQ server is listening. rmq_user and rmq_password are optional, and must be omitted when loading from a RabbitMQ queue over a TLS-encrypted connection.
VIRTUALHOST: <gpss_vhost>
- The RabbitMQ virtual host that represents the GPSS server.
STREAM: <name>
- The name of the RabbitMQ stream from which to read the data. You may specify only one of
. QUEUE: <name>
- The name of the RabbitMQ queue from which to read the data. You may specify only one of
. FALLBACK_OFFSET: { earliest | latest }
- When reading from a RabbitMQ stream, specifies the behaviour of GPSS when it detects a message offset gap. When set to
, GPSS automatically resumes a load operation from the earliest available published message. When set tolatest
, GPSS loads only new messages to the RabbitMQ stream. DATA
- The RabbitMQ message value field names, data types, and format. You must specify all RabbitMQ data elements in the order in which they appear in the RabbitMQ message.
COLUMNS:NAME: <column_name>
The name of a data column.
must match the column name of the target Tanzu Greenplum table. Specify__IGNORED__
to omit this RabbitMQ message data element from the load operation. - The default source-to-target data mapping behaviour of GPSS is to match a column name as defined in
with a column name in the target Tanzu GreenplumTABLE
. You can override the default mapping by specifying aMAPPING
block. COLUMNS:TYPE: <data_type>
- The data type of the column. You must specify an equivalent data type for each non-ignored RabbitMQ message data element and the associated Tanzu Greenplum table column.
FORMAT: <data_format>
- The format of the RabbitMQ message data. You may specify a
, orjsonl
for the data, with some restrictions.
: When you specify thebinary
data format, you must define only a singlebytea
type column inCOLUMNS
: When you specify thecsv
data format, the message content cannot contain line ending characters (CR and LF).custom
: When you specify thecustom
data format, you must provide aCUSTOM_OPTION
: When you specify thedelimited
data format, you must provide aDELIMITED_OPTION
: When you specify thejson
data format, you must define only a singlejson
type column inCOLUMNS
: When you specify thejsonl
data format, you may provide aJSONL_OPTION
to define a newline character.
- When you specify
, you may provide the following options: DELIMITER: <delim_char>
- Specifies a single ASCII character that separates columns within each message or row of data. The default delimiter is a comma (
). QUOTE: <quote_char>
- Specifies the quotation character. Because GPSS does not provide a default value for this property, you must specify a value.
NULL_STRING: <nullstr_val>
- Specifies the string that represents the null value. Because GPSS does not specify a default value for this property, you must specify a value.
ESCAPE: <escape_char>
- Specifies the single character that is used for escaping data characters in the content that might otherwise be interpreted as row or column delimiters. Make sure to choose an escape character that is not used anywhere in your actual column data. Because GPSS does not provide a default value for this property. you must specify a value.
FORCE_NOT_NULL: <columns>
- Specifies a comma-separated list of column names to process as though each column were quoted and hence not a NULL value. For the default
(nothing between two delimiters), missing values are evaluated as zero-length strings. FILL_MISSING_FIELDS: <boolean>
- Specifies the action of GPSS when it reads a row of data that has missing trailing field values (the row has missing data fields at the end of a line or row). The default value is
, GPSS returns an error when it encounters a row with missing trailing field values. - If set to
, GPSS sets missing trailing field values toNULL
. Blank rows, fields with aNOT NULL
constraint, and trailing delimiters on a line will still generate an error. CUSTOM_OPTION
- Optional. When you specify
FORMAT: custom
, you are required to provide theCUSTOM_OPTION
properties. This block identifies the name and the arguments of a custom formatter user-defined function. NAME: <udf_name>
- The name of the custom formatter user-defined function.
PARAMSTR: <udf_parameter_string>
- A string specifying the comma-separated list of arguments to pass to the custom formatter user-defined function.
- Optional. When you specify
FORMAT: jsonl
, you may choose to provide theJSONL_OPTION
properties. NEWLINE: <newline_str>
- A string that specifies the new line character(s) that end each JSON record. The default newline is
- Optional. When you specify
FORMAT: delimited
, you may choose to provide theDELIMITER_OPTION
properties. DELIMITER: <delimiter_string>
- When you specify the
format, delimiter_string is required and must identify the data element delimiter. delimiter_string may be a multi-byte value, and up to 32 bytes in length. It may not contain quote and escape characters. EOL_PREFIX: <prefix_string>
- Specifies the prefix before the end of line character (
) that indicates the end of a row. The default prefix is empty. QUOTE: <quote_char>
- Specifies the single ASCII quotation character. The default quote character is empty.
- If you do not specify a quotation character, GPSS assumes that all columns are unquoted. If you do not specify a quotation character and do specify an escape character, GPSS assumes that all columns are unquoted and escapes the delimiter, end-of-line prefix, and escape itself.
- When you specify a quotation character, you must specify an escape character. GPSS reads any content between quote characters as-is, except for escaped characters.
ESCAPE: <escape_char>
- Specifies the single ASCII character used to escape special characters (for example, the delimiter, end-of-line prefix, quote, or escape itself). Therdefault escape character is empty.
- When you specify an escape character and do not specify a quotation character, GPSS escapes only the delimiter, end-of-line prefix, and escape itself.
- When you specify both an escape character and a quotation character, GPSS escapes only these characters.
- The field name, type, and format of the RabbitMQ meta data. META must specify a single
(Greenplum 6 only) type column andFORMAT: json
. -
The available RabbitMQ meta data properties for a streaming source include:
(text) - the RabbitMQ stream nameoffset
(bigint) - the message offset
The available RabbitMQ meta data properties for a queue source include:
(text) - the RabbitMQ queue namemessageId
(text) - the message identifiercorrelationId
(text) - the correlation identifiertimestamp
(bitint) - the time that the message was added to the RabbitMQ queue
- Input data transform block. An input data transformer is a plugin, a set of
functions that transform the data after it is read from the source. The semantics of the transform are function-specific. You specify the library and function names in this block, as well as the properties that GPSS passes to these functions: PATH: <path_to_plugin_transform_library>
- The file system location of the plugin transformer library on the Tanzu Tanzu Greenplum streaming server server host.
ON_INIT: <plugin_transform_init_name>
- The name of an initialization function that GPSS calls when it loads the transform library.
TRANSFORM: <plugin_transform_name>
- The name of the transform function. GPSS invokes this function for every message it reads.
PROPERTIES: <plugin_transform_property_name: property_value>
- One or more property name and value pairs that GPSS passes to plugin_transform_init_name and plugin_transform_name.
FILTER: <filter_string>
- The filter to apply to the RabbitMQ input messages before GPSS loads the data into Tanzu Greenplum. If the filter evaluates to
, GPSS loads the message. If the filter evaluates tofalse
, the message is dropped. filter_string must be a valid SQL conditional expression and may reference one or moreDATA
column names. ENCODING: <char_set>
- The source data encoding. You can specify an encoding character set when the source data is of the
, orjson
format. GPSS supports the character sets identified in Character Set Support in the Tanzu Greenplum documentation. ERROR_LIMIT: { <num_errors> | <percentage_errors> }
- The error threshold, specified as either an absolute number or a percentage.
gpsscli load
exits when this limit is reached. The defaultERROR_LIMIT
is zero; GPSS deactivates error logging and stops the load operation when it encounters the first error. Due to a limitation of the Tanzu Greenplum external table framework, GPSS does not acceptERROR_LIMIT: 1
You must specify only one of the
blocks. You cannot specify both.
SCHEMA: <output_schema_name>
- The name of the Tanzu Greenplum schema in which table_name resides. Optional, the default schema is the
schema. TABLE: <table_name>
- The name of the Tanzu Greenplum table into which GPSS loads the RabbitMQ data.
FILTER: <output_filter_string>
- The filter to apply to the output data before GPSS loads the data into Tanzu Greenplum. If the filter evaluates to
, GPSS loads the message. If the filter evaluates tofalse
, the message is dropped.output_filter_string
must be a valid SQL conditional expression and may reference one or moreMETA
column names. MODE: <mode>
The table load mode. Valid mode values are
. The default value isINSERT
. -
- Updates the target table columns that are listed inUPDATE_COLUMNS
when the input columns identified inMATCH_COLUMNS
match the named target table columns and the optionalUPDATE_CONDITION
is true. -
is not supported if the target table column name is a reserved keyword, has capital letters, or includes any character that requires quotes (" ") to identify the column. -
- Inserts new rows and updates existing rows when:- columns are listed in
, - the
target table column values are equal to the input data, and - an optional
is specified and met.
Deletes rows when:
- the
target table column values are equal to the input data, and - an optional
is specified and met.
New rows are identified when the
value in the source data does not have a corresponding value in the existing data of the target table. In those cases, the entire row from the source file is inserted, not only theMATCH_COLUMNS
. If there are multiple newMATCH_COLUMNS
values in the input data that are the same, GPSS inserts or updates the target table using a random matching input row. When you specifyORDER_COLUMNS
, GPSS sorts the input data on the specified column(s) and inserts or updates from the input row with the largest value. - columns are listed in
is not supported if the target table column name is a reserved keyword, has capital letters, or includes any character that requires quotes (" ") to identify the column.MATCH_COLUMNS:
- Required if
. <match_column_name>
- Specifies the column(s) to use as the join condition for the update. The attribute value in the specified target column(s) must be equal to that of the corresponding source data column(s) in order for the row to be updated in the target table.
- Optional. May be specified in
to sort the input data rows. <order_column_name>
- Specify the column(s) by which GPSS sorts the rows. When multiple matching rows exist in a batch,
is used withMATCH_COLUMNS
to determine the input row with the largest value; GPSS uses that row to write/update the target. UPDATE_COLUMNS:
- Required if
. <update_column_name>
- Specifies the column(s) to update for the rows that meet the
criteria and the optionalUPDATE_CONDITION
. UPDATE_CONDITION: <update_condition>
- Optional. Specifies a boolean condition, similar to that which you would declare in a
clause, that must be met in order for a row in the target table to be updated (or inserted, in the case of aMERGE
). DELETE_CONDITION: <delete_condition>
- Optional. In
, specifies a boolean condition, similar to that which you would declare in aWHERE
clause, that must be met for GPSS to delete rows in the target table that meet theMATCH_COLUMNS
criteria. TRANSFORMER:
Optional. Output data transform block. An output data transformer is a user-defined function (UDF) that transforms the data before it is loaded into Tanzu Greenplum. The semantics of the UDF are transform-specific.
GPSS currently supports specifying only one of the
blocks in the load configuration file, not both. TRANSFORM: <udf_transform_udf_name>
- The name of the output transform UDF. GPSS invokes this function for every batch of data it writes to Tanzu Greenplum.
PROPERTIES: <udf_transform_property_name: property_value>
- One or more property name and value pairs that GPSS passes to udf_transform_udf_name.
COLUMNS: <udf_transform_column_name>
- The name of one or more columns involved in the transform.
Optional. Overrides the default source-to-target column mapping. GPSS supports two mapping syntaxes.
GPSS currently supports specifying only one of the
blocks in the load configuration file, not both. -
When you specify a
, ensure that you provide a mapping for all RabbitMQ message data elements of interest. GPSS does not automatically match column names when you provide aMAPPING
. NAME: <target_column_name>
- Specifies the target Tanzu Greenplum table column name.
EXPRESSION: { <source_column_name> | <expression> }
- Specifies a RabbitMQ
(source_column_name) or an expression. When you specify an expression, you may provide a value expression that you would specify in theSELECT
list of a query, such as a constant value, a column reference, an operator invocation, a built-in or user-defined function call, and so on. <target_column_name>: { <source_column_name> | <expression> }
- When you use this
syntax, specify the target_column_name and {source_column_name | expression} as described above.
You must specify only one of the
blocks. You cannot specify both.
TABLE: <table_name>
The name of a Tanzu Greenplum table into which GPSS loads the RabbitMQ data.
other options
- As specified in the RABBITMQ:OUTPUT: Options section.
SCHEMA: <metadata_schema_name>
- The name of the Tanzu Greenplum schema in which GPSS creates external tables. The default
Tanzu Greenplum COMMIT: Options
- Controls how GPSS commits a batch of data to Tanzu Greenplum. You may specify both
as long as both values are not zero (0
). Try setting and tuningMINIMAL_INTERVAL
to your environment; introduce aMAX_ROW
setting only if you encounter high memory usage associated with message buffering. SAVE_FAILING_BATCH: <boolean>
- Determines whether or not GPSS saves data into a backup table before it writes the data to Tanzu Greenplum. Saving the data in this manner aids recovery when GPSS encounters errors during the evaluation of expressions. The default is
; GPSS does not use a backup table, and returns immediately when it encounters an expression error. When you set this property totrue
, GPSS writes both the good and the bad data in the batch to a backup table namedgpssbackup_<jobhash>
, and continues to process incoming messages. You must then manually load the good data from the backup table into Greenplum or setRECOVER_FAILING_BATCH
(Beta) totrue
to have GPSS automatically reload the good data. -
Using a backup table to hedge against mapping errors may impact performance, especially when the data that you are loading has not been cleaned.
- When set to
is alsotrue
, GPSS automatically reloads the good data in the batch and retains only the error data in the backup table. The default value isfalse
; GPSS does not process the backup table. -
Enabling this property requires that GPSS has the Tanzu Greenplum privileges to create a function.
MAX_ROW: <number_of_rows>
- The number of rows to batch before triggering an
operation on the Tanzu Greenplum table. The default value ofMAX_ROW
, which instructs GPSS to ignore this commit trigger condition. MINIMAL_INTERVAL: <wait_time>
- The minimum amount of time to wait (milliseconds) between each
operation on the table. The default value is5000
. CONSISTENCY: { strong | at-least | at-most }
- Specify how GPSS should manage message offsets when it acts as a consumer of a RabbitMQ queue or stream. Valid values are
(GPSS stores the offsets before commit),at-most
(GPSS stores the offsets after commit). For streams, GPSS also supportsstrong
consistency. The default value isat-least
. For more information, see Understanding RabbitMQ Message Offset Management.
Tanzu Greenplum TASK: Options
- Controls the running and scheduling of a periodic (maintenance) task.
POST_BATCH_SQL: <udf_or_sql_to_run>
- The user-defined function or SQL command(s) that you want to run after the specified number of batches are read from RabbitMQ. The default is null.
BATCH_INTERVAL: <num_batches>
- The number of batches to read before running udf_or_sql_to_run. The default batch interval is 0.
PREPARE_SQL: <udf_or_sql_to_run>
- The user-defined function or SQL command(s) that you want GPSS to run before it executes the job. The default is null, no command to run.
TEARDOWN_SQL: <udf_or_sql_to_run>
- The user-defined function or SQL command(s) that you want GPSS to run after the job stops. GPSS runs the function or command(s) on job success and job failure. The default is null, no command to run.
RabbitMQ PROPERTIES: Options
- RabbitMQ configuration property names and values.
- The name of a RabbitMQ property.
- The RabbitMQ property value.
Job SCHEDULE: Options
- Controls the frequency and interval of restarting jobs.
RETRY_INTERVAL: <retry_time>
- The period of time that GPSS waits before retrying a failed job. You can specify the time interval in day (
), hour (h
), minute (m
), second (s
), or millisecond (ms
) integer units; do not mix units. The default retry interval is5m
(5 minutes). MAX_RETRIES: <num_retries>
- The maximum number of times GPSS attempts to retry a failed job. The default is 0, do not retry. If you specify a negative value, GPSS retries the job indefinitely.
- The amount of time after which GPSS automatically stops a job. GPSS does not automatically stop a job by default.
- The amount of time after which GPSS restarts a job that it stopped due to reaching
. MAX_RESTART_TIMES: <num_restarts>
- The maximum number of times that GPSS restarts a job that it stopped due to reaching
. The default is 0, do not restart the job. If you specify the value-1
, GPSS restarts the job indefinitely. You may usegpsscli stop
to stop the jobs from being restarted indefinitely. QUIT_AT_EOF_AFTER: <clock_time>
- The clock time after which GPSS stops a job every day when it encounters an EOF. By default, GPSS does not automatically stop a job that reaches EOF. GPSS never stops a job when the current time is before
, even when GPSS encounters an EOF. - Job ALERT: Options
- Controls notification when a job is stopped for any reason (success, completion, error, user-initiated stop).
COMMAND: <command_to_run>
- The program that the GPSS server runs on the GPSS server host, including arguments. The command must be executable by GPSS.
- command_to_run has access to job-related environment variables that GPSS sets, including:
. WORKDIR: <directory>
- The working directory for command_to_run. The default working directory is the directory from which you started the GPSS server process. If you specify a relative path, it is relative to the directory from which you started the GPSS server process.
TIMEOUT: <alert_time>
- The amount of time after a job stops, prompting GPSS to trigger the alert (and run command_to_run). You can specify the time interval in day (
), hour (h
), minute (m
), or second (s
) integer units; do not mix units. The default alert timeout is-1s
(no timeout).
Template Variables
GPSS supports using template variables to specify property values in the load configuration file.
You specify a template variable value in the load configuration file as follows:
For example:
GPSS substitutes the template variable with a value that you specify via the -p | --property template\_var=value
option to the gpsscli dryrun
, gpsscli submit
, or gpsscli load
For example, if the command line specifies:
GPSS substitutes occurrences of {{numretries}}
in the load configuration file with the value 10
before submitting the job, and uses that value while the job is running.
If you created a database object name using a double-quoted identifier (delimited identifier), you must specify the delimited name within single quotes in the rabbitmq-v2.yaml
configuration file. For example, if you create a table as follows:
Your rabbitmq-v2.yaml
YAML configuration file would refer to the above table and column names as:
You can specify backslash escape sequences in the CSV DELIMITER
, and ESCAPE
options. GPSS supports the standard backslash escape sequences for backspace, form feed, newline, carriage return, and tab, as well as escape sequences that you specify in hexadecimal format (prefaced with \x
). Refer to Backslash Escape Sequences in the PostgreSQL documentation for more information.
Load data from RabbitMQ as defined in the Version 2 configuration file named rmq2greenplumv2.yaml
Example rmq2greenplumv2.yaml
configuration file:
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