Tanzu RabbitMQ on Cloud Foundry 10.0

Using the RabbitMQ Management UI

Last Updated December 13, 2024

This topic tells you how to access the RabbitMQ Management UI when you are using VMware Tanzu RabbitMQ on Cloud Foundry.


You can access the Management UI for both on-demand and pre-provisioned service instances. The image below shows an example RabbitMQ Management UI.

Screenshot of the RabbitMQ Management UI.
The 'Overview' tab is highlighted in orange.
The body has an 'Overview' header and several sections, including 'Totals', 'Nodes', and 'Ports and

Access RabbitMQ Management UI for Pre-provisioned Service Instances

To access the RabbitMQ Management UI as the admin user:

  1. Go to your Tanzu Platform for Cloud Foundry tile.

  2. In the Domains tab, record the value in the System Domain field.

  3. Go to http://pivotal-rabbitmq.SYS-DOMAIN, where SYS-DOMAIN is the value you recorded from the System Domain field.

  4. When prompted for credentials, enter the username and password you provided in the Tanzu RabbitMQ on Cloud Foundry tile configuration in Ops Manager.

Access RabbitMQ Management UI for On-Demand Service Instances

The options available for accessing RabbitMQ Management UI depend on whether you have OAuth enabled.

Access RabbitMQ Management UI with OAuth Enabled

If OAuth is enabled, you can access the RabbitMQ Management UI for an on-demand service instance with your Tanzu Platform for CF credentials.

You can retrieve the URL for the RabbitMQ Management UI using Apps Manager or the Cloud Foundry Command Line Interface (cf CLI).

  • If using the cf CLI:

    1. Navigate to the dashboard_url shown by cf service SERVICE-INSTANCE-NAME.

    2. Sign in using your Tanzu Platform for CF username and password.

  • If using Apps Manager:

    1. Navigate to the service instance you want to manage.

    2. Click Manage.

Access RabbitMQ Management UI without OAuth Enabled

If OAuth is not enabled, you can access the RabbitMQ Management UI for an on-demand service instance using Apps Manager or the cf CLI. You do so by using credentials that grant access only to a specific virtual host.

  • If using the cf CLI:

    1. Create credentials using the cf CLI. For more information, see Create an Admin User for a Service Instance.

    2. Go to the URL in dashboard_url that you acquired during the Create an Admin User for a Service Instance procedure.

    3. Log in to the RabbitMQ Management UI with the username and password you acquired during the Create an Admin User for a Service Instance procedure.

  • If using Apps Manager:

    1. In Apps Manager, navigate to the service instance you want to manage.

    2. Click CREATE SERVICE KEY and give it a name of your choice.

      Screenshot of an example space management page in the Apps Manager UI.
To the right of the 'Service Key Credentials' header is a button labeled 'Create Service Key'.
The button is outlined in red to indicate its location.

    3. From the Service Key Credentials section, select the service key you just created.

    4. From the information displayed, navigate to the URL in dashboard_url and then use the username and password to log in to the RabbitMQ Management UI.