Tanzu RabbitMQ on Cloud Foundry 2.4

Controlling Access to RabbitMQ Service Plans by Org

Last Updated October 22, 2024

This topic gives you instructions for restricting access to a VMware Tanzu RabbitMQ for Tanzu Application Service service plan to a specific org.

You can also limit the number of service instances by setting quotas—for instructions, see Setting Limits for On-Demand Instances.

Change Access to Service Plans

If the plan you are restricting is currently enabled for all orgs, you must first Disable Service Access for the plan, then grant access to the plan to specific orgs. Use the CF Service Access field to deactivate access in the service plan configuration.

To restrict access to a plan for a specific org, run this command:

cf enable-service-access p.rabbitmq -p PLAN_NAME -o ORG_NAME

For example:

$ cf enable-service-access p.rabbitmq -p my-cluster-plan -o my-dev-org

For more information about the above command, see Managing access to Service Plans.