Tanzu RabbitMQ on Kubernetes 4.0

How to Install VMware Tanzu RabbitMQ for Kubernetes

Last Updated February 04, 2025

Install Tanzu RabbitMQ for Kubernetes

Install Tanzu RabbitMQ for Kubernetes using the Carvel toolchain. Follow the procedures in this information to complete the Tanzu RabbitMQ for Kubernetes installation.

If you plan to deploy Tanzu RabbitMQ for Kubernetes to a Kubernetes cluster on an airgapped network, you must first follow the instructions on the kapp-controller docs to relocate the package rabbitmq-kubernetes.packages.broadcom.com/tanzu-rabbitmq-package-repo to your internal registry. In the following instructions, you should use the URL of your registry anywhere there are references to rabbitmq-kubernetes.packages.broadcom.com.

Follow these steps to complete the installation:

At this point, your Tanzu RabbitMQ for Kubernetes installation should be complete, if you want, you can now complete the following post installation tasks:

Tips for Designing a Kubernetes Cluster for Tanzu RabbitMQ

High Availability

  • As per the RabbitMQ clustering guide, the number of Kubernetes nodes should be an odd number to ensure a tie does not occur. The minimum number of nodes should be 3.

  • For quorum queues, you must ensure that a majority of the nodes are running at any point in time. For example:

    Scenario 1: If only one node can fail at a time, a three node cluster is sufficient because three minus one equals two (3-1=2). The majority of two nodes are running.

    Scenario 2: If two nodes can fail at the same time, then a five node cluster is required.

  • Each Kubernetes node must be on a different Availability Zone in a cloud or rack to minimize the risk of failing at the same time.


For high availability, it is essential to spread the brokers across different nodes evenly so that there isn’t any Kubernetes node that has more than one broker, this is also known as using maxSkew: 1. For more information, refer to the kubernetes documentation demonstrating it in use.

Minimum Number of CPU Cores per Node

The minimum number of cores per broker is 2:

    cpu: 2
    cpu: 2

Depending on the workload, additional cores can be required because more CPUs can run multiple queues at the same time.

More Information

For more information, refer to the RabbitMQ Deployment Guidelines.

Access the VMware Tanzu RabbitMQ for Kubernetes Docker Images

Complete the following steps to access the login credentials and docker images for your release.

  1. Login into the Broadcom Support Portal.
  2. From the drop-down list beside your username, select Tanzu.
  3. Select My Downloads from the navigation on the left.
  4. Search for RabbitMQ.
  5. Select VMware Tanzu RabbitMQ for Kubernetes, and click this > arrow to display all releases.
  6. Click the Token Download icon Token Download icon.
  7. Follow the detailed instructions that are displayed to authenticate and pull the VMware Tanzu RabbitMQ for Kubernetes image bundle for your specific release.

Prerequisites before you Install Tanzu RabbitMQ for Kubernetes

Before you install VMware Tanzu RabbitMQ for Kubernetes, ensure you have:

  1. Connected to a running Kubernetes cluster.

  2. kubectl installed. You can get kubectl for your system by downloading it here.

  3. The Tanzu Cluster Essentials package is downloaded and installed on your Kubernetes cluster. For instructions, go to the Cluster Essentials for VMware Tanzu Documentation, select the documentation set for the specific version of Tanzu Cluster Essentials that you are installing, and complete the installation steps.

    Tanzu Cluster Essentials is required because it installs the kapp-controller and secretgen-controller controllers on your Kubernetes cluster. After installation, you can verify that Tanzu Cluster Essentials is installed correctly by checking the relevant pods are running. Run this command:

    kubectl get all -n kapp-controller && kubectl get all -n secretgen-controller
    $ kubectl get all -n kapp-controller && kubectl get all -n secretgen-controller

    You should see that the STATUS is running for the kapp-controller and secretgen-controller pods.

  4. Accessed the Tanzu RabbitMQ for Kubernetes docker images for your release via the Broadcom Support Portal. Go to Access the VMware Tanzu RabbitMQ for Kubernetes Docker Images for instructions.

Prepare to Install Tanzu RabbitMQ for Kubernetes

If you plan to deploy Tanzu RabbitMQ for Kubernetes to a Kubernetes cluster on an airgapped network, you must first follow the instructions on the kapp-controller docs to relocate the package rabbitmq-kubernetes.packages.broadcom.com/tanzu-rabbitmq-package-repo to your internal registry. In the following instructions, you should use the URL of your registry anywhere there are references to rabbitmq-kubernetes.packages.broadcom.com.

Provide imagePullSecrets

You must export an imagePullSecret using secretgen-controller so that the components of the package can pull from the registry containing the Tanzu RabbitMQ package.

To do this, complete the following steps:

  1. Create a Secret object on your cluster with type: kubernetes.io/dockerconfigjson if it is not already created. This secret type includes the authenticated credentials for the registry, which contains the Tanzu RabbitMQ package. It is highly recommended that these credentials provide only read-only access to the registry.

    The following is an example of the yaml manifest, which you can use to create the Secret object. Remember, the Secret type must be set to kubernetes.io/dockerconfigjson.

    apiVersion: v1
    kind: Secret
     name: tanzu-rabbitmq-registry-creds  # could be any name
     namespace: secrets-ns                # could be any namespace
    type: kubernetes.io/dockerconfigjson   # needs to be this type
     .dockerconfigjson: |
         "auths": {
           "rabbitmq-kubernetes.packages.broadcom.com": { # update to your own registry url if the package is placed in another location
             "username": "user...",
             "password": "password...",
             "auth": ""

    Deploy the Secret object by running the following command. Replace <secret_filename> with the name of the Secret object yaml file which you created above.

    kubectl apply -f <secret_filename>.yml

    Alternatively, you can create and deploy the Secret object using kubectl instead.

    kubectl create secret docker-registry tanzu-rabbitmq-registry-creds -n secrets-ns \
    --docker-server "rabbitmq-kubernetes.packages.broadcom.com" --docker-username "user." \
    --docker-password "password..."
  2. Create a SecretExport object on your cluster if it is not already created. The SecretExport object provides the imagePullSecret to any namespace where Tanzu RabbitMQ is being installed.

    The following is an example of the yaml manifest, which you can use to create the SecretExport object.

    apiVersion: secretgen.carvel.dev/v1alpha1
    kind: SecretExport
     name: tanzu-rabbitmq-registry-creds    # must match source secret name
     namespace: secrets-ns                  # must match source secret namespace
     - "*"  # star means export is available for all namespaces

    Deploy the SecretExport object by running the following command. Replace <secretexport_filename> with the name of the SecretExport object yaml file which you created above.

    kubectl apply -f <secretexport_filename>.yml

Install the Tanzu RabbitMQ PackageRepository

You must install the Tanzu RabbitMQ PackageRepository to provide the versioned Tanzu RabbitMQ packages to your cluster. To do this, complete the following steps:

  1. Create a PackageRepository object YAML file with the following contents. Replace BUNDLE_VERSION below with the Tanzu RabbitMQ release version. Replace TAG below with the variant that you are installing. The available TAG variants are:

    • -arm64 for ARM64
    • -arm64-fips for ARM64 with FIPS enabled
    • -fips for AMD64 with FIPS enabled
    • There is no TAG for AMD64, the image for AMD64 is rabbitmq-kubernetes.packages.broadcom.com/tanzu-rabbitmq-package-repo:${BUNDLE_VERSION}

    Finally, replace rabbitmq-kubernetes.packages.broadcom.com with your own registry URL if the package is placed in another location.

    apiVersion: packaging.carvel.dev/v1alpha1
    kind: PackageRepository
     name: tanzu-rabbitmq-repo
         image: rabbitmq-kubernetes.packages.broadcom.com/tanzu-rabbitmq-package-repo:${BUNDLE_VERSION}{-TAG}
  2. Deploy the PackageRepository object by running the following command. Replace <PackageRepository_object_filename> with the name of the PackageRepository YAML file that you used when you created the object.

  3. Deploy the PackageRepository object by running the following command. Replace <PackageRepository_object_filename> with the name of the PackageRepository YAML file that you used when you created the object.

    kapp deploy -a tanzu-rabbitmq-repo -f <PackageRepository_object_filename>.yml -y
  4. After the PackageRepository object is deployed, verify that the expected packages are visible to your client by running the following command:

    $ kubectl get packages
    NAME                                               PACKAGEMETADATA NAME                     VERSION     AGE
    auditlogger.rabbitmq.tanzu.vmware.com.0.4.0        auditlogger.rabbitmq.tanzu.vmware.com    0.4.0       42s
    cert-manager.rabbitmq.tanzu.vmware.com.1.5.3+rmq   cert-manager.rabbitmq.tanzu.vmware.com   1.5.3+rmq   42s
    rabbitmq.tanzu.vmware.com.1.2.0                    rabbitmq.tanzu.vmware.com                1.2.0       42s
    rabbitmq.tanzu.vmware.com.1.2.1                    rabbitmq.tanzu.vmware.com                1.2.1       42s
    rabbitmq.tanzu.vmware.com.1.2.2                    rabbitmq.tanzu.vmware.com                1.2.2       42s
    rabbitmq.tanzu.vmware.com.1.3.0                    rabbitmq.tanzu.vmware.com                1.3.0       42s

Create a ServiceAccount

You need a ServiceAccount during the Tanzu RabbitMQ installation to create the resources provided by Tanzu RabbitMQ. This service account is used to create cluster-scope objects such as CustomResourceDefinitions so it must have the correct permissions to create objects on any namespace.

For a list of the permissions that are required by this service account and the YAML file syntax that you need to create the service account, see Service Account Permissions.

Take note of the name of this service account, you need it in later steps of the installation.

Install cert-manager

cert-manager v1.5.0 or higher is required for Tanzu RabbitMQ for Kubernetes. It must be installed on your cluster now before you can install the Tanzu RabbitMQ Package later.

: If you have cert-manager previously installed on your Kubernetes cluster, you can skip this section. To check whether cert-manager is installed, search for installed cert-manager api-resources. For example:

$ kubectl api-resources | grep 'cert-manager'
challenges                                     acme.cert-manager.io/v1                  true         Challenge
orders                                         acme.cert-manager.io/v1                  true         Order
certificaterequests               cr,crs       cert-manager.io/v1                       true         CertificateRequest
certificates                      cert,certs   cert-manager.io/v1                       true         Certificate
clusterissuers                                 cert-manager.io/v1                       false        ClusterIssuer
issuers                                        cert-manager.io/v1                       true         Issuer

Install cert-manager using one of the options below depending on the type of network your cluster is running in.

Option 1: Install cert-manager from GitHub

If your cluster has access to the public internet, install cert-manager from its GitHub release by running the following command:

kubectl apply -f https://github.com/cert-manager/cert-manager/releases/download/v1.5.3/cert-manager.yaml

Option 2: Install cert-manager from the Internal PackageRepository

cert-manager is included as an ancillary package in the Tanzu RabbitMQ for Kubernetes PackageRepository, therefore it is available even on airgapped networks. To install cert-manager from this PackageRepository within your network, complete the following steps:

  1. Create a PackageInstall object for cert-manager with the following yaml manifest. Replace ${SERVICE_ACCOUNT} with the name of the ServiceAccount that you created previously in Create a ServiceAccount.

    apiVersion: v1
    kind: Secret
     name: cert-manager-overlay
     add-placeholder-secret.yml: |
       apiVersion: v1
       kind: Secret
         name: tanzu-rabbitmq-registry-creds
           secretgen.carvel.dev/image-pull-secret: ""
       type: kubernetes.io/dockerconfigjson
         .dockerconfigjson: e30K
     add-placeholder-namespace.yml: |
       #@ load("@ytt:data", "data")
       #@ load("@ytt:overlay", "overlay")
       #@overlay/match by=overlay.subset({"kind":"Secret","metadata": {"name":"tanzu-rabbitmq-registry-creds"}}),expects="1+"
         #@overlay/match missing_ok=True
         namespace: #@ data.values.namespace
     add-image-pull-secret.yml: |
       #@ load("@ytt:overlay", "overlay")
       #@overlay/match by=overlay.subset({"kind":"Deployment"}),expects="1+"
             #@overlay/match missing_ok=True
               - name: tanzu-rabbitmq-registry-creds
    apiVersion: packaging.carvel.dev/v1alpha1
    kind: PackageInstall
     name: cert-manager-rabbitmq
       ext.packaging.carvel.dev/ytt-paths-from-secret-name.0: cert-manager-overlay
     serviceAccountName: ${SERVICE_ACCOUNT} # Replace with service account name
       refName: cert-manager.rabbitmq.tanzu.vmware.com
         constraints: 1.5.3+rmq
  2. Deploy cert-manager by running the following command. Replace <certmanagerpackageinstall_filename> with the name of the PackageInstall object for cert-manager yaml file that you used when you created the object.

    kapp deploy -a cert-manager-rabbitmq -f <certmanagerpackageinstall_filename>.yml -y

Install the Tanzu RabbitMQ Package

You can now install the Tanzu RabbitMQ package to install the Tanzu RabbitMQ Cluster Operator, Message Topology Operator, and Standby Replication Operator on your cluster. To do this, complete the following steps:

  1. Create the PackageInstall object using the following manifest. In your PackageInstall object yaml file, replace <SERVICE_ACCOUNT> with the name of your ServiceAccount and <BUNDLE_VERSION> with the version of Tanzu RabbitMQ you are installing.

    apiVersion: packaging.carvel.dev/v1alpha1
    kind: PackageInstall
     name: tanzu-rabbitmq
     serviceAccountName: ${SERVICE_ACCOUNT} # Replace with service account name
       refName: rabbitmq.tanzu.vmware.com
         constraints: ${BUNDLE_VERSION} # Replace with release version
  2. Deploy the PackageInstall object by running the following command. Replace <PackageInstall_object_filename> with the name of the PackageInstall yaml file that you used when you created the object.

    kapp deploy -a tanzu-rabbitmq -f <PackageInstall_object_filename>.yml -y

    By default, the Operators are installed in the “rabbitmq-system” namespace. If you want to change this, enter your own namespace name as a value in the PackageInstall via a secret as outlined below. This will install the operators in the provided namespace, however the operators will watch all namespaces for RabbitmqCluster objects to reconcile.

    apiVersion: packaging.carvel.dev/v1alpha1
    kind: PackageInstall
     name: tanzu-rabbitmq
     serviceAccountName: ${SERVICE_ACCOUNT} # Replace with service account name
       refName: rabbitmq.tanzu.vmware.com
         constraints: ${BUNDLE_VERSION} # Replace with release version
     - secretRef:
         name: tanzu-rabbitmq-values
    apiVersion: v1
    kind: Secret
     name: tanzu-rabbitmq-values
     values.yml: |
       namespace: ${NAMESPACE} # Replace with the target install namespace

Observe your RabbitMQ Cluster

At this point you may choose to set up observability on your cluster. To do so, you can follow the instructions in the Cluster Operator repo or the RabbitMQ website.

Deploy your RabbitmqClusters and Topology Objects

After this installation is complete, you can now create your RabbitMQ objects with the Carvel tooling. Since the RabbitMQ container image will also require authentication, you will need to provide the same imagePullSecrets as earlier.

If creating RabbitmqClusters in the same namespace as the operators were installed, simply add the existing secret:

apiVersion: rabbitmq.com/v1beta1
kind: RabbitmqCluster
  name: my-tanzu-rabbit
  namespace: rabbitmq-system
  replicas: 1
  - name: tanzu-rabbitmq-registry-creds

If you are creating clusters in a different namespace, you must create a placeholder Secret, and direct the RabbitmqCluster to use it:

apiVersion: v1
kind: Secret
  name: tanzu-rabbitmq-registry-creds
  namespace: my-namespace
    secretgen.carvel.dev/image-pull-secret: ""
type: kubernetes.io/dockerconfigjson
  .dockerconfigjson: e30K
apiVersion: rabbitmq.com/v1beta1
kind: RabbitmqCluster
  name: my-tanzu-rabbit
  namespace: my-namespace
  replicas: 1
  - name: tanzu-rabbitmq-registry-creds

Because we earlier created a SecretExport object, this placeholder secret will be auto-populated by secretgen-controller, and the RabbitmqCluster will be able to authenticate to the registry using this Secret.

Use TLS with Operators

If the RabbitmqClusters that are managed by the Messaging Topology and Standby Replication Operators are configured to serve management over HTTPS with self signed certificates, then these operators must trust the Certificate Authority (CA) that signed the TLS certificates, which are being used by the RabbitmqClusters.

One or more trusted certificates must be mounted as volumes to the trust store of the Topology Operator Pod in the /etc/ssl/certs/ directory.

To set up the operators to trust the Certificate Authority (CA) that signed the TLS certificates which are being used by the RabbitmqClusters, complete the following steps:

  1. Create a Kubernetes Secret containing the certificate of the CA that signed the RabbitMQ server’s certificate:

    kubectl -n rabbitmq-system create secret generic rabbitmq-ca --from-file=ca.crt=$CA_PATH
  2. Apply a PackageInstall extension that mounts the Secret to both the Messaging Topology and Standby Replication Operators in the correct path. You can refer to the following yaml as an example.

    apiVersion: v1
    kind: Secret
     name: resource-overlay
     namespace: # same namespace as the rabbitmq PackageInstall
     overlay.yaml: |
       #@ load("@ytt:overlay", "overlay")
       #@overlay/match by=overlay.subset({"kind":"Deployment", "metadata": {"name": "messaging-topology-operator"}}),expects=1
               #@overlay/match by=overlay.subset({"name": "manager"}),expects=1
               - volumeMounts:
                 - mountPath: /etc/ssl/certs/rabbitmq-ca.crt
                   name: rabbitmq-ca
                   subPath: ca.crt
               - name: rabbitmq-ca
                   defaultMode: 420
                   secretName: rabbitmq-ca
       #@overlay/match by=overlay.subset({"kind":"Deployment", "metadata": {"name": "standby-replication-operator"}}),expects=1
               #@overlay/match by=overlay.subset({"name": "manager"}),expects=1
               - volumeMounts:
                 - mountPath: /etc/ssl/certs/rabbitmq-ca.crt
                   name: rabbitmq-ca
                   subPath: ca.crt
               - name: rabbitmq-ca
                   defaultMode: 420
                   secretName: rabbitmq-ca

Apply the above PackageInstall extension by:

kubectl apply -f resource-overlay.yaml
  1. Update the annotations of the PackageInstall that you used to install the operators to reference the resource-overlay secret. You can refer to the following YAML as an example.

    apiVersion: packaging.carvel.dev/v1alpha1
    kind: PackageInstall
     name: tanzu-rabbitmq
       ext.packaging.carvel.dev/ytt-paths-from-secret-name.0: resource-overlay
     serviceAccountName: tanzu
       refName: rabbitmq.tanzu.vmware.com
         constraints: 1.2.1
  2. Update the PackageInstall by:

    kapp deploy -a tanzu-rabbitmq-repo -f repo.yml -y

The operators are now setup to trust the Certificate Authority (CA) that signed the TLS certificates which are being used by the RabbitmqClusters.

(Optional) Install, Configure and Use the Tanzu RabbitMQ audit-logger Package

In Tanzu RabbitMQ for Kubernetes v1.4.1 and later, a new audit-logger package is included. You can optionally install this package to audit events that are triggered by RabbitMQ clusters deployed on the Kubernetes cluster.

Prerequisite: The audit-logger package is based on the rabbitmq_event_exchange plugin. This plugin must be deployed on your RabbitMQ cluster before you can use the audit-logger package. The event exchange plugin can be deployed on your RabbitMQ cluster like this for example:

apiVersion: rabbitmq.com/v1beta1
kind: RabbitmqCluster
  name: my-tanzu-rabbit
  namespace: my-namespace
  replicas: 1
  - name: tanzu-rabbitmq-registry-creds
    - rabbitmq_event_exchange

audit-logger is included in the Tanzu RabbitMQ for Kubernetes PackageRepository. To install audit-logger from this PackageRepository within your network, complete the following steps:

audit-logger is included in the Tanzu RabbitMQ on Kubernetes PackageRepository. To install audit-logger from this PackageRepository within your network, complete the following steps:

  1. The audit-logger container image requires authentication, in the installation namespace, you must provide the same imagePullSecrets as earlier. Refer to Known Issues in the release notes as there is a workaround you must complete for this step currently.

  2. Create the PackageInstall object using the following manifest. In your PackageInstall object YAML file, replace <SERVICE_ACCOUNT> with the name of your ServiceAccountand <AUDIT_LOGGER_VERSION> with the audit-logger version. The current audit-logger version is 0.4.0.

    apiVersion: packaging.carvel.dev/v1alpha1
    kind: PackageInstall
     name: audit-logger
     serviceAccountName: ${SERVICE_ACCOUNT}  # Replace with service account name
       refName: auditlogger.rabbitmq.tanzu.vmware.com
         constraints: ${AUDIT_LOGGER_VERSION} # Replace with audit-logger version
  3. Deploy the PackageInstall object by running the following command. Replace <PackageInstall_object_filename> with the name of the PackageInstall yaml file that you used when you created the object.

    kapp deploy -a rabbitmq-audit-logger -f <PackageInstall_object_filename>.yml -y
  4. By default, the audit-logger package is installed in the rabbitmq-system namespace. If you want to change the installation namespace, specify a tanzu-audit-logger-values secret in the PackageInstall object by doing this:

    apiVersion: packaging.carvel.dev/v1alpha1
    kind: PackageInstall
     name: audit-logger
     serviceAccountName: ${SERVICE_ACCOUNT}  # Replace with service account name
       refName: auditlogger.rabbitmq.tanzu.vmware.com
         constraints: ${BUNDLE_VERSION} # Replace with release version
    - secretRef:
       name: tanzu-audit-logger-values

    tanzu-audit-logger-values is a secret containing two values: namespace and audityml. namespace is the namespace where the audit-logger packaged is installed. audityml is a property of the secret which includes the configuration options. audityml is passed to the audit-logger package during the audit-logger installation. If the audityml is not specified, audit-logger uses default values.

    To configure the values-properties.yml file (note, you can choose your own file name, these instructions are using values-properties.yml for example purposes.) using the tanzu-audit-logger-values secret, complete the following steps. Note, the following is just an example of the audit-logger configuration in the values-properties.yml file. The full list of configuration options is in Configuration Options for audit-logger.

  5. From a file named values-properties.yml file, include the audit-logger configuration:

    namespace: rabbitmq-system
    audityml: "eventFilter: \"queue.*\" \ntargets: \n  kubernetesServiceDiscovery:\n  - namespace: \"rabbitmq-system\""
  6. Create the following secret from it:

    kubectl create secret generic tanzu-audit-logger-values --from-file=values.yml=values-properties.yml

    The secret tanzu-audit-logger-values contains a values.yml field with the namespace and audityml values.

  7. You can now run the following command on the audit-logger pod to view the event logs that are produced by the audit-logger:

    kubectl logs audit-logger-56c456c89b-jlv6f -n rabbitmq-system

Configuration Options for audit-logger

The complete list of configuration options for audit-logger are:

# Defines the filter of events to audit on the RabbitMQ cluster.
# The full list of events are defined in the plugin: https://github.com/rabbitmq/rabbitmq-server/tree/main/deps/rabbitmq_event_exchange#events
# It is possible to use asterisks to match groups of events, e.g. queue.* for all queue events.
eventFilter: "*.*"
# Name of the queue to declare in order to consume audit logs.
# If this queue already exists, it will be used to consume events.
queue: rabbitmq-audit-logger-internal
# List of targets from which to consume audit logs.
  # List of static endpoints from which to consume audit events.
  # URI of the RabbitMQ instance to connect to.
  - uri: "amqp://guest:guest@localhost:5672/"
  # Configuration to dynamically discover RabbitmqClusters from the Kubernetes API, and collect logs from them automatically,
  # when the audit logger is running as a Pod in a Kubernetes Cluster.
  # Note that the Pod must be bound to a ServiceAccount with permissions to access RabbitmqClusters and Secrets at a
  # Cluster scope.
  # Namespace of RabbitmqCluster objects to collect logs from. If unset, the audit logger will collect logs from
  # all RabbitmqCluster objects on the Kubernetes cluster, and will need cluster-scope RBAC permissions to function.
  - namespace: ""
# Configuration for the output of collected audit logs.
    # Whether to log audited events to stdout.
    enabled: true
    # Format log events are written to stdout.
    # Possible values: human, json
    format: json
    # Whether to log audited events to disk.
    enabled: false
    # Path of the logfile to be written to disk. If it does not exist, it will be created.
    path: /var/log/rabbitmq-audit/audit.log
    # Format log events are written to disk.
    # Possible values: human, json
    format: json
  # The interval to wait before attempting to reconnect to RabbitMQ in the event of a connection failure.
  # Must be a valid time string, valid time units are "ns", "us" (or "µs"), "ms", "s", "m", "h"
  reconnection: 5s
  # The interval to wait before attempting to consume audit events from RabbitMQ in the event of a AMQP channel error.
  # Must be a valid time string, valid time units are "ns", "us" (or "µs"), "ms", "s", "m", "h"
  consume: 2s

Setup and Configure Warm Standby Replication

Follow these instructions to setup and configure Warm Standby Replication.

Uninstall Tanzu RabbitMQ for Kubernetes

To uninstall Tanzu RabbitMQ for Kubernetes, delete the Tanzu RabbitMQ package which then deletes the Tanzu RabbitMQ Cluster Operator, Message Topology Operator, and Standby Replication Operator from your cluster. Run the following command. Replace <object> with the name of the PackageInstall object, which is tanzu-rabbitmq in this documentation.

kapp delete -a PackageInstall <object>