App Metrics for Tanzu 2.3

App Metrics for VMware Tanzu

Last Updated January 20, 2025

App Metrics for VMware Tanzu displays up to six weeks of logs, metrics, and event data from apps that run on VMware Tanzu Platform for Cloud Foundry. App Metrics graphically presents this data to help you better understand the health and performance of your apps.

Tanzu Application Service is now called Tanzu Platform for Cloud Foundry. The current version of Tanzu Platform for Cloud Foundry is 10.0.

For more information about…See…
Spring Boot Micrometer and tagged metrics supportCustom Metrics
CAPI v3 multi-process and rolling deployment supportObservability by Process Type
Declarative custom observability codificationAdding Custom Metrics Charts
Persistent, sharable dashboard customizationsAdding Custom Metrics Charts
Improved time selection experienceTime Selection
Improved data ingestion performance for live metrics and logs observationLive Metrics and Logs
Metrics: Fault-tolerant, scalable metrics with increased data retentionMetric Store
Metrics: Easy queryingMetric Store API
Logs: Fault-tolerant, scalable logs with increased data retentionLog Store
Logs: Easy queryingLog Store API

About the Log Store

In App Metrics, Log Store provides a persistent storage layer for logs sent through Loggregator.

Log Store has the following features:

  • Multi tenant awareness: Log Store uses the auth proxy to ensure that app developers can only access their own logs.

  • Ubiquitous query language: Log Store uses a PromQL style label selector query for filtering logs.

  • Powerful storage engine: Log store uses the InfluxDB storage engine, which has built in compression and a memory efficient series index. For more information about the InfluxDB storage engine, see the InfluxDB documentation.

Log Store offers multi-node deployments, data replication, and load balancing in a highly available configuration.

Product snapshot

The following table provides version and version-support information for App Metrics.

Element Details
Tile version v2.3.0
Release date October 2, 2024
Compatible Tanzu Operations Manager versions v3.0
Compatible TAS for VMs versions v4.0, v6.0
Compatible Tanzu Platform for Cloud Foundry versions v10.0
IaaS support AWS, Azure, GCP, OpenStack, and vSphere
IPsec support Yes
Browser support Latest major versions of Google Chrome and Firefox browsers

Only supported versions of TAS for VMs and Tanzu Operations Manager are listed in the table. For Tanzu Operations Manager, all releases v2.6 and later work with this version of App Metrics. For TAS for VMs, v5.0 still works with this version of App Metrics.