This document describes the Nozzle for VMware Tanzu for Microsoft Azure Log Analytics.
Microsoft Operations Management Suite (OMS) is Microsoft’s cloud-based IT management solution that helps you manage and protect your on-premises and cloud infrastructure.
Azure Log Analytics is a service in OMS that helps you collect and analyze data generated by resources in your cloud and on-premises environments. This document refers to the Azure Log Analytics service in OMS as OMS Log Analytics.
The Nozzle for VMware Tanzu for Microsoft Azure Log Analytics receives logs and metrics from the Loggregator Firehose, filters and resolves the events, and then pushes the events to OMS Log Analytics via the HTTPS Data Collector API.
VMware Tanzu developers and operators can then view and analyze their application logs and health metrics through the OMS portal or the Azure portal.
Key Features
Nozzle for VMware Tanzu for Microsoft Azure Log Analytics includes the following key features:
- Consumes all data from Loggregator Firehose, including logs from apps hosted on VMware Tanzu and metrics data from Cloud Foundry (CF) components
- Organizes, filters, and transfers data to OMS Log Analytics for deep analysis
- Integrates with OMS Log Analytics, including default view dashboards and alert rules, to monitor the health and workload of your VMware Tanzu deployment
- Adds logging to track the status of the nozzle itself, for example slow consumer alerts, received, sent, and lost events
- Has automatic configuration defaults
VMware Tanzu operators can install the OMS agent for BOSH to supply additional system data to OMS Log Analytics, including Cloud Controller and User Account and Authentication (UAA) server security event logs, and VM-level syslogs and metrics from all components.
Nozzle for VMware Tanzu for Microsoft Azure Log Analytics has the following installation requirements:
- Admin access to a running VMware Tanzu installation.
- The Installing the cf CLI.
- An Azure OMS Workspace.
Provide any bugs, feature requests, or questions to VMware Tanzu Support.
Apache License Version 2.0
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