This topic tells you how to create and manage an on-demand service broker (ODB) on a local development machine using PCF Dev and BOSH Lite.
For more information about the components in this topic, see PCF Dev and BOSH-Lite.
The examples in this topic are based on Kafka open source messaging. See the following sample code directories:
Before you set up and use ODB on your local machine, install and configure the following components:
BOSH Lite v9000.131.0 or later. To install BOSH Lite, see Install in the BOSH Lite documentation.
PCF Dev file pcfdev-v0.19.1-rc.46. To install PCF Dev, see Installing PCF Dev. Record the PCF Dev domain for later. The default is
Part 1: Set Up
This section details how to prepare BOSH Lite and set up the Kafka example service, the Kakfa example service adapter, and ODB.
Step 1: Prepare BOSH Lite
To prepare BOSH Lite, do the following:
Target your BOSH Lite installation.
bosh alias-env lite -e
Upload the BOSH Lite stemcell.
bosh -e lite upload-stemcell \
Step 2: Set Up the Kafka Example Service
To set up the Kafka example service, do the following:
Clone the Kafka example service into your workspace.
git clone \
In the
directory, create and upload the Kafka example kafka-example-service-release bosh create-release --name kafka-example-service
Upload the service to the BOSH director.
bosh -e lite upload-release
Step 3: Set Up the Kafka Example Service Adapter
To set up the Kafka example service adapter, do the following:
Clone the Kafka example service adapter.
git clone \
Update service adapter dependencies.
cd kafka-example-service-adapter-release git submodule update --init --recursive
Create the example service adapter.
bosh create-release --name kafka-example-service-adapter
Upload the example service adapter to the BOSH director.
bosh -e lite upload-release
Step 4: Set Up ODB
To set up ODB, do the following:
Download the on-demand service broker from VMware Tanzu Network. To download, see On-Demand Services SDK.
Upload the
release.bosh -e lite upload-release on-demand-service-broker-X.Y.Z.tgz
is the ODB release version.For example:
$ bosh -e lite upload-release on-demand-service-broker-0.21.1.tgz
Part 2: Create
This section describes how to create a BOSH deployment and a service broker on PCF Dev.
Step 1: Create a BOSH Deployment
To create a BOSH Lite deployment, do the following:
Create a new directory in your workspace and a
for the BOSH Lite Director. For example:vm_types: - name: container cloud_properties: {} networks: - name: kafka type: manual subnets: - range: gateway: az: lite cloud_properties: {} disk_types: - name: ten disk_size: 10_000 cloud_properties: {} azs: - name: lite cloud_properties: {} compilation: workers: 2 reuse_compilation_vms: true network: kafka az: lite cloud_properties: {}
Update the BOSH Lite cloud config using the deployment manifest.
bosh -e lite update-cloud-config cloud\_config.yml
Record the URL and UUID of your BOSH Lite director.
bosh environment
See the following example output:
$ bosh environment Config /Users/pivotal/.bosh_config Director Name Bosh Lite Director URL Version 1.3215.0 (00000000) User admin UUID 17a45148-1d00-43bc-af28-9882e5a6535a CPI warden\_cpi dns disabled compiled\_package\_cache enabled (provider: local) snapshots disabled
Create a BOSH Lite deployment manifest in a file called
using the following as a base:name: kafka-on-demand-broker director_uuid: BOSH-LITE-UUID releases: - name: &broker-release on-demand-service-broker version: latest - name: &service-adapter-release kafka-example-service-adapter version: latest - name: &service-release kafka-example-service version: latest stemcells: - alias: trusty os: ubuntu-trusty version: STEMCELL-VERSION instance_groups: - name: broker instances: 1 vm_type: container persistent_disk_type: ten stemcell: trusty azs: [lite] networks: - name: kafka jobs: - name: kafka-service-adapter release: *service-adapter-release - name: admin_tools release: *service-release - name: broker release: *broker-release properties: port: 8080 username: broker # or replace with your own password: password # or replace with your own disable_ssl_cert_verification: true bosh: url: BOSH-LITE-URL authentication: basic: username: admin password: admin cf: url: https://api.PCF-DEV-DOMAIN authentication: url: https://uaa.PCF-DEV-DOMAIN user_credentials: username: admin password: admin service_adapter: path: /var/vcap/packages/odb-service-adapter/bin/service-adapter service_deployment: releases: - name: *service-release version: SERVICE-RELEASE-VERSION jobs: [kafka_server, zookeeper_server] stemcells: - os: ubuntu-trusty version: STEMCELL-VERSION service_catalog: id: D94A086D-203D-4966-A6F1-60A9E2300F72 service_name: kafka-service-with-odb service_description: Kafka Service bindable: true plan_updatable: true tags: [kafka] plans: - name: small plan_id: 11789210-D743-4C65-9D38-C80B29F4D9C8 description: A Kafka deployment with a single instance of each job and persistent disk instance_groups: - name: kafka_server vm_type: container instances: 1 persistent_disk_type: ten azs: [lite] networks: [kafka] - name: zookeeper_server vm_type: container instances: 1 persistent_disk_type: ten azs: [lite] networks: [kafka] properties: auto_create_topics: true default_replication_factor: 1 update: canaries: 1 canary_watch_time: 30000-180000 update_watch_time: 30000-180000 max_in_flight: 4
is theUUID
value you recorded in the BOSH environment step above.BOSH-LITE-URL
is theURL
value you recorded in the BOSH environment step above.PCF-DEV-DOMAIN
is the PCF Dev domain you recorded in the Prerequisites above.
Deploy the broker.
bosh -e lite -d kafka-on-demand-broker deployment\_manifest.yml
Record the IP address of the deployed broker.
bosh -e lite -d kafka-on-demand-broker instances
See the following example output:
$ Using environment 'lite' as user 'admin' (openid, bosh.admin) Task 54727. Done Deployment 'redis-on-demand-broker-dev2' Instance Process State AZ IPs broker/84294753-84b9-4be1-a338-37c1f3e71919 running z1 1 instances Succeeded
Step 2: Create a Service Broker on PCF Dev
To create a service broker on PCF Dev, do the following:
Create a service broker on PCF Dev and enable access to its service offering.
cf create-service-broker kafka-broker USERNAME PASSWORD http://BROKER-IP:8080
are the broker’s credentials set underproperties
in the broker job.BROKER-IP
is the value obtained in the step above. See the last step in Create a BOSH Deployment.
For example:
$ cf create-service-broker kafka-broker broker password
Enable access to the broker’s service plans.
cf enable-service-access kafka-service-with-odb
View the broker-offered services in the Marketplace.
cf marketplace
See the following example output:
Getting services from Marketplace in org pcfdev-org / space pcfdev-space as admin... OK service plans description kafka-service-with-odb small Kafka Service p-mysql 512mb, 1gb MySQL databases on demand p-rabbitmq standard RabbitMQ is a robust and scalable high-performance multi-protocol messaging broker. p-redis shared-vm Redis service to provide a key-value store
Create a service instance using the Kafka on-demand broker.
cf create-service kafka-service-with-odb small k1
Part 3: Verify and Use
To verify and use your on-demand service, do the following:
Step 1: Verify Your BOSH Deployment and On-Demand Service
Check the status of your service.
cf service k1
See the state change from
create in progress
tocreate succeeded
. -
Verify that the on-demand service is provisioned in the BOSH deployment.
bosh -e lite deployments
See the following example output:
Name Release(s) Stemcell(s) Cloud Config kafka-on-demand-broker kafka-example-service-adapter/0+dev.2 bosh-warden-boshlite-ubuntu-trusty-go\_agent/3262.2 latest on-demand-service-broker/0.2.0+dev.1 service-instance_2715262c-8564-4cd9-b629-0ae99e6aa4b9 kafka-example-service/0+dev.2 bosh-warden-boshlite-ubuntu-trusty-go\_agent/3262.2 latest
This example shows that the service instance is provisioned and the service releases are specified in the ODB deployment manifest.
Step 2: Use Your On-Demand Service
To use the service instance that you created, do the following:
Clone the Kafka example app.
git clone
Push the app.
cd kafka-example-app cf push --no-start
Bind the app to your service instance.
cf bind-service kafka-example-app k1
Start the app.
cf start kafka-example-app
Step 3: Read and write to your Service Instance
Now the app runs at https:/kafka-example-app.PCF-DEV-DOMAIN
. You can use it to read and write to your on-demand Kafka service instance.
For example:
To write data, run the following.
curl -XPOST http://kafka-example-app.PCF-DEV-DOMAIN/queues/my-queue -d SOME-DATA
To read data, run the following.
curl http://kafka-example-app.PCF-DEV-DOMAIN/queues/my-queue
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