On-Demand Services SDK for Tanzu 0.44

Service Adapter Interface Reference

Last Updated October 25, 2024

This topic tells you about the subcommands used with the On-Demand Services SDK Service Adapter Interface.

Service Adapter Interface

Implement your service adapter as a binary. The service adapter receives its parameters as a JSON document using stdin.

For example service adapters, see the following examples written in golang:

The Redis and Kafka examples above use the SDK to help with cross-cutting concerns. For example, reading the JSON document from stdin.

A service adapter is expected to respond to the subcommands. For each of these subcommands, the following applies:

  • An exit status of 0 indicates that the command succeeded.
  • An exit status of 10 indicates not implemented.
  • Any non-zero exit status indicates failure.

For a list of possible subcommands and the structure of the JSON document passed through stdin, see the subcommands below.


This section contains the following topics:

The on-demand broker (ODB) requires generate-manifest to be idempotent.

Given the same arguments when a previous manifest is supplied, which happens during a deployment update, the command should always output the same BOSH manifest.

When determining whether there are pending changes for an instance during an update, ODB ignores any configuration supplied in the update block of the manifest returned by the generate-manifest subcommand.

Service Authors ensure that the service releases and stemcells satisfy the functional requirements of the service adapter. You can achieve this, for example, by checking that the service release satisfies a minimum version constraint.

Input Parameters

This section details the parameters provided to the generate-manifest subcommand using stdin.

See the following example:

  "generate_manifest": {
    "service_deployment": "SERVICE-DEPLOYMENT-JSON",
    "plan": "PLAN-JSON",
    "previous_plan": "PREVIOUS-PLAN-JSON",
    "previous_manifest": "PREVIOUS-MANIFEST-YAML",
    "request_parameters": "REQUEST-PARAMETERS-JSON",
    "previous_secrets": "PREVIOUS-SECRETS-JSON",
    "previous_configs": "PREVIOUS-CONFIGS-JSON",
    "uaa_client": {
      "authorities": "LIST-OF-AUTHORITIES",
      "authorized_grant_types": "LIST-OF-GRANT-TYPES",
      "client_id": "CLIENT-ID",
      "client_secret": "GENERATED-CLIENT-SECRET",
      "name": "DISPLAY-NAME",
      "resource_ids": "RESOURCE-ID-LIST",
      "scopes": "SCOPES-LIST"

All arguments are passed as strings, not JSON objects.

For example:

  "generate_manifest": {
    "service_deployment": "{\"deployment_name\":\"some-name\"...}"
    // ...
VMware recommends that service authors use the following order of precedence in their service adapters when generating manifests:

  1. Arbitrary parameters
  2. Previous manifest properties
  3. Plan properties
For an example, see auto_create_topics in the example Kafka service adapter.


SERVICE-DEPLOYMENT-JSON provides information regarding the BOSH Director.

The following table describes the JSON structure required for SERVICE-DEPLOYMENT-JSON:

deployment_namestringName of the deployment on the Director, in the format service-instance_GUID
releasesarray of releasesList of service releases configured for the deployment by the operator
release.namestringName of the release on the Director
release.versionstringVersion of the release
release.jobsarray of stringsList of jobs required from the release
stemcellsarray of stemcellsThe stemcells available on the Director
stemcell.stemcell_osstringStemcell OS available on the Director
stemcell.stemcell_versionstringStemcell version available on the Director

For example:

    "deployment_name": "service-instance_GUID",
    "releases": [{
        "name": "kafka",
        "version": "dev.42",
        "jobs": [
    "stemcells": [{
        "stemcell_os": "BeOS",
        "stemcell_version": "2"
    }, {
        "stemcell_os": "Windows",
        "stemcell_version": "3"

ODB only supports using exact release and stemcell versions. The use of latest and floating stemcells are not supported.

Your Service Adapter should be opinionated about which jobs it requires to generate its manifest. For example, the Kafka example requires kafka_node and zookeeper.

It should not be opinionated about the mapping of BOSH release to job. The jobs can be spread across many releases or provided through a single release.

The SDK provides the helper function GenerateInstanceGroupsWithNoProperties for generating instance groups without any properties. For more information, see GenerateInstanceGroupsWithNoProperties in GitHub.

The Kafka example service adapter uses the helper function adapter.go invokes to map the service releases parameter to the BOSH manifest releases and instance_groups sections.

For more information, see adapter.go and generate_manifest.go in GitHub.

You should provide documentation about which jobs are required by your Service Adapter, and which BOSH releases operators should get these jobs from.


PLAN-JSON specifies the plan that the manifest is generated for.

The following table describes the schema of the JSON structure required for PLAN-JSON:

instance_groupsarray of instance groupsInstance groups configured for the plan
instance_group.namestringName of the instance group
instance_group.vm_typestringThe vm_type configured for the instance group, matches one in the cloud config on the director
instance_group.vm_extensionsarray of stringsOptional, the vm_extensions configured for the instance group, must be present in the cloud config on the director
instance_group.persistent_disk_typestringOptional, the persistent_disk_type configured for the instance group, matches one in the cloud config on the director
instance_group.networksarray of stringsThe networks the instance group is supposed to be in
instance_group.instancesintNumber of instances for the instance group
instance_group.lifecyclestringOptional, specifies the kind of workload the instance group represents. Valid values are service and errand; defaults to service
instance_group.azsarray of stringsA list of availability zones that the instance groups should be striped across
instance_group.migrated_fromarray of migrationsOptional, list of BOSH migrations
migration.namestringOptional, name of the instance group to be migrated from
propertiesmapProperties which the operator has configured for deployments of the current plan
lifecycle_errandsmapOptional, details of post-deploy and pre-delete errands
lifecycle_errands.post_deployarray of errandsOptional, post-deploy errands configured for the plan
lifecycle_errands.pre_deletearray of errandsOptional, pre-delete errands configured for the plan
errand.namestringErrand name
errand.instancesarray of stringsOptional, for a co-located errand, specify a list of INSTANCE-NAME/INSTANCE-IDX to run the errand
updatemapUpdate block which the operator has configured for deployments of the current plan
update.canariesintPlan-specific number of canary instances
update.max_in_flightintPlan-specific maximum number of non-canary instances to update in parallel
update.canary_watch_timestringPlan-specific time in milliseconds that the BOSH Director sleeps before checking whether the canary instances are healthy
update.update_watch_timestringPlan-specific time in milliseconds that the BOSH Director sleeps before checking whether the non-canary instances are healthy
update.serialbooleanOptional, plan-specific flag to deploy instance groups sequentially (true), or in parallel (false); defaults to true

For example:

  "instance_groups": [
      "name": "example-server",
      "vm_type": "small",
      "vm_extensions": [
      "persistent_disk_type": "ten",
      "networks": [
      "azs": [
      "instances": 1,
      "migrated_from": [
          "name": "old-example-server"
      "name": "example-migrations",
      "vm_type": "small",
      "persistent_disk_type": "ten",
      "networks": [
      "instances": 1,
      "lifecycle": "errand"
  "properties": {
    "example": "property"
  "lifecycle_errands": {
    "post_deploy": [
        "name": "health-check"
        "name": "init-replication",
        "instances": ["primary-node/0"]
    "pre_delete": [
        "name": "cleanup",
        "instances": ["example-server/0"]
  "update": {
    "canaries": 1,
    "max_in_flight": 2,
    "canary_watch_time": "1000-30000",
    "update_watch_time": "1000-30000",
    "serial": true

Plans are composed by the operator and consist of resource mappings, properties, and an optional update block.

Resource Mappings

The instance_groups section of the plan JSON. This maps service deployment instance groups (defined by the service author) to resources (defined by the operator).

You can document the list of instance group names required for a deployment, for example, “redis-server”. You can also document any recommended resource constraints. For example, operators must add a persistent disk if the persistence property is enabled. You can enforce these constraints in code.

The instance_groups section also contains a field for lifecycle, which can be set by the operator. The service adapter adds a lifecycle field to the instance group within the BOSH manifest when specified.


Properties are service-specific parameters that you choose. The Redis example exposes a property persistence, which takes a boolean value and toggles disk persistence for Redis. You should document these properties for the operator.

(Optional) Update Block

This block defines a plan-specific configuration for BOSH’s update instance operation. Although the ODB considers this block optional, the service adapter must output an update block in every manifest it generates. Some ways to achieve that are:

  1. (Recommended) Define a default update block for all plans, which is used when a plan-specific update block is not provided by the operator.
  2. Hard code an update block for all plans in the service adapter.
  3. Make the update block mandatory, so that operators must provide an update block for every plan in the service catalog section of the ODB manifest.


This is a JSON object that holds the entire body of the service provision or service update request sent by the Cloud Controller to the service broker. The request parameters JSON is null for upgrades.

The field context holds platform-specific contextual information that the service instance is provisioned under.

The field parameters contains arbitrary key-value pairs that were passed by the app developer as a cf CLI parameter when creating or updating the service instance. They allow Cloud Foundry users to override the default configuration for a service plan. For example, the Kafka service adapter supports the auto_create_topics arbitrary parameter to configure auto-creation of topics on the cluster.

When updating an existing service instance, any arbitrary parameters passed on a previous create or update are not passed again. Therefore, for arbitrary parameters to stay the same across multiple deployments they must be retrieved from the previous manifest.

For example:

  "context": {
    "platform": "cloudfoundry",
    "some_field": "some-contextual-data"
  "organization_guid": "org-guid-here",
  "parameters": {
    "parameter1": {
      "sub-param1": 1,
      "sub-param2": "some-info"
  "plan_id": "plan-id-here",
  "service_id": "service-id-here",
  "space_guid": "space-guid-here"


PREVIOUS-MANIFEST-YAML represents the previous BOSH deployment manifest for the service instance. If you have a new deployment, the YAML file is empty.

The manifest format matches the BOSH v2 manifest. For more information about the BOSH v2 manifest, see Deployment Config in the BOSH documentation.

The service author must perform any necessary service-specific migration logic if previous manifest is non-nil.

Another use case of the previous manifest is for the migration of deployment properties which need to stay the same across multiple deployments of a manifest. In the Redis example, we generate a password when we do a new deployment.

But, when the previous deployment manifest is provided, we copy the password over from the previous deployment, because generating a new password for existing deployments breaks existing bindings.

For an example, see the example Redis service adapter in GitHub.

If the service adapter does not migrate properties from the old manifest to the new one, the update fails.


This argument takes the previous plan as a JSON string.

The previous plan is nil if this is a new deployment.

The format of the plan should match the plan schema. The previous plan can be used for complex plan migration logic. For an example, the Kafka service adapter rejects a plan migration if the new plan reduces the number of instances, to prevent data loss.


If enable_secure_manifests is set to true in the broker, any secrets that use references to BOSH-generated variables or literal CredHub paths in the previous service instance manifest are resolved and sent to the adapter in the PREVIOUS-SECRETS-JSON parameter.

These secrets are passed during updates but not during upgrades.

If enable_secure_manifests is set to false in the broker, then the PREVIOUS-SECRETS-JSON parameter is empty.

The following is an example previous service instance manifest:

password: ((redis_password))
root_ca: ((/global/root_ca))

- name: redis_password
  type: password

The service instance manifest snippet above produces a secrets JSON parameter similar to the following. The keys are the reference names, and the values are the resolved secrets:

  "((redis_password))": "some-bosh-generated-password",
  "((/global/root_ca))": "some-global-value"

You can find the secrets key by accessing the manifest field that contains the reference to the variable.


This argument provides the previous BOSH configs specified for the service instance. If populated, it will contain a map of config types to config content. For example:

     - name: my-service-instance-small
         cpu: 1"


The following table describes the supported exit codes and output for the generate-manifest subcommand:

Exit codeDescriptionOutput
  • Stdout: JSON document containing the BOSH manifest YAML, a map of adapter-generated secrets to be managed by ODB, and a map of BOSH configs
10not implemented
anything elsefailure
  • Stdout: optional error message for CF CLI users
  • Stderr: error message for operator
  • ODB logs both stdout and stderr

Example JSON output printed when the generate-manifest command is successful:

  "secrets": { "secret1":"value1", "secret2":"value2" },
  "configs": {
       - name: my-service-instance-small
           cpu: 1"


This section contains the following topics:

Input Parameters

The following section details the parameters provided to the dashboard-url subcommand using stdin.

See the following example:

  "dashboard_url": {
    "instance_id": "SERVICE-INSTANCE-ID",
    "plan": "PLAN-JSON",
    "manifest": "MANIFEST-YAML"

All the arguments are passed as strings and not JSON objects.

For example:

  "dashboard_url": {
    "manifest": "---\nname: my-service-instance\n..."


This parameter is the unique identifier of the service instance provided by the Cloud Controller. For example, 42a09f38-c15b-47fe-a24e-ebf5f83ebd0.


This parameter is the current plan for the service instance as JSON. The structure should be the same as the plan given in the generate manifest.

See the following example:

  "properties": {
    "persistence": true
  "lifecycle_errands": {
    "post_deploy": [],
    "pre_delete": []
  "instance_groups": [
      "name": "my-example-server",
      "vm_type": "t2.small",
      "persistent_disk_type": "10GB",
      "instances": 1,
      "networks": [
      "azs": [


This parameter is the current manifest as YAML.

The manifest format matches the BOSH v2 manifest. For more information about the BOSH v2 manifest, see Deployment Config in the BOSH documentation.

See the following example:

name: my-service-instance
- name: my-service
  version: 1.1.0
- alias: only-stemcell
  os: ubuntu-trusty
  version: "3468.1"
- name: my-example-server
  instances: 1
  - name:  my-example-server
    release: my-service
  vm_type: t2.small
  stemcell: only-stemcell
  persistent_disk_type: 10GB
  - z1
  - name: default
      param1: "some-value"
      param2: 1
  canaries: 4
  canary_watch_time: 30000-240000
  update_watch_time: 30000-240000
  max_in_flight: 4
  product: my-product
- name: some-addon
  - name: my-example-server
    release: my-service


The following table describes the supported exit codes and output for the dashboard-url subcommand:

Exit codeDescriptionOutput
  • Stdout: dashboard URL JSON
10not implemented
anything elsefailure
  • Stdout: optional error message for CF CLI users
  • Stderr: error message for operator
    ODB logs both stdout and stderr

Example JSON output printed when the dashboard-url command is successful:


The following table describes the output JSON above:

dashboard_urlstringDashboard URL returned to the cf user


This section contains the following topics:

Input Parameters

The following section details the parameters required by the create-binding subcommand as a JSON document using stdin.

See the following example:

  "create_binding": {
    "binding_id": "BINDING-ID",
    "bosh_vms": "BOSH-VMS-JSON",
    "manifest": "MANIFEST-YAML",
    "request_parameters": "REQUEST-PARAMETERS-JSON",
    "secrets": "MANIFEST-SECRETS-JSON",
    "dns_addresses": "DNS-ADDRESSES-JSON"

All the arguments are passed as strings and not JSON objects.

For example:

  "create_binding": {
    // ...
    "bosh_vms": "{\"mysql_node\": [\"\", \"\", \"\"]}"


This parameter is the binding ID generated by the Cloud Controller.


This parameter is a JSON map of instance group name to an array of IP addresses provisioned for that instance group.

See the following example:

  "mysql_node": ["", "", ""],
  "management_box": [""]

This can be used to connect to the instance deployment, if required, or to create a service specific binding. In the example above, the Service Adapter can connect to MySQL as the admin and create a user. As part of the binding, the mysql_node IP addresses would be returned, but not the management_box.


This parameter is the current manifest as YAML. This is used to extract information about the deployment that is necessary for the binding, such as admin credentials with which to create users.

The manifest format matches the BOSH v2 manifest. For more information about the BOSH v2 manifest, see Deployment Config in the BOSH documentation.


This parameter is a JSON object that holds the entire body of the service binding request sent by the Cloud Controller to the service broker.

The field bind_resource contains key-value pairs for app_guid, credential_client_id and route. If using the golang SDK, the brokerapi.BindResource struct containing these fields can be accessed using the BindResource() helper method on requestParams.

The field parameters contains arbitrary key-value pairs which were passed by the app developer as a cf CLI parameter when creating, or updating the service instance. If using the golang SDK, it can be obtained using the ArbitraryParams() helper method on requestParams.

See the following example:

  "app_guid": "app-guid-here",
  "bind_resource": {
    "app_guid": "app-guid-here"
  "context": {
    "platform": "cloudfoundry",
    "some_param": "some-value"
  "parameters": {
    "parameter1": {
      "sub-param1": 1,
      "sub-param2": "some-info"
  "plan_id": "my-plan",
  "service_id": "my-service"


If enable_secure_manifests is set to true in the broker, any secrets in the service instance manifest that use references to BOSH-generated variables or literal CredHub paths are resolved and sent to the adapter in the MANIFEST-SECRETS-JSON parameter.

If enable_secure_manifests is set to false in the broker, then the MANIFEST-SECRETS-JSON parameter is empty.

The following is an example service instance manifest:

password: ((redis_password))
root_ca: ((/global/root_ca))

- name: redis_password
  type: password

The service instance manifest snippet above produces a secrets JSON parameter similar to the following. The keys are the reference names, and the values are the resolved secrets:

  "((redis_password))": "some-bosh-generated-password",
  "((/global/root_ca))": "some-global-value"

You can find the secrets key by accessing the manifest field that contains the reference to the variable.


When this feature is enabled and a broker is deployed with binding_with_dns set for a plan, the ODB retrieves DNS addresses from BOSH before calling the adapter. ODB passes these addresses to the service adapter along with the names given in the binding_with_dns properties.

For how to enable this feature for your on-demand service, see Enable BOSH DNS Addresses for Bindings.

The following is an example binding_with_dns configuration in the broker manifest:

  - name: example-plan
    - name: leader-address
      link_provider: example-link-1
      instance_group: leader-node
    - name: follower-address
      link_provider: example-link-2
      instance_group: follower-node

The snippet above produces the following in DNS-ADDRESSES-JSON:

  "leader-address": "q-s0.leader-node.default.service-instance_c1371314-643f-48b7-b80a-6741e7377022.bosh",
  "follower-address": "q-s0.follower-node.default.service-instance_c1371314-643f-48b7-b80a-6741e7377022.bosh"

Each entry in binding_with_dns is converted to a single BOSH DNS address using the BOSH links API.

The On-Demand Services SDK includes the DNSAddresses parameter for the CreateBinding and DeleteBinding methods. The ODB invokes the CreateBinding and DeleteBinding methods with this parameter, which is a map of name to DNS address.


The following table describes the supported exit codes and output for the create-binding subcommand:

Exit codeDescriptionOutput
  • Stdout: binding credentials JSON
10subcommand not implemented
42app_guid not provided in the binding request body
  • Stderr: error message for operator
  • ODB logs both stdout and stderr
49binding already exists
  • Stderr: error message for operator
  • ODB logs both stdout and stderr
anything elsefailure
  • Stdout: optional error message for CF CLI users
  • Stderr: error message for operator
  • ODB logs both stdout and stderr

Example JSON output printed when the create-binding command is successful:

  "credentials": {
    "username": "user1",
    "password": "reallysecret"
  "syslog_drain_url": "optional: for syslog drain services only",
  "route_service_url": "optional: for route services only"


This subcommand should invalidate the credentials that were generated by create-binding if possible. For example, the subcommand would delete the binding user in MySQL.

This section contains the following topics:

Input Parameters

This section describes the parameters required by the delete-binding subcommand.

See the following example:

  "delete_binding": {
    "binding_id": "BINDING-ID",
    "bosh_vms": "BOSH-VMS-JSON",
    "manifest": "MANIFEST-YAML",
    "delete_parameters": "DELETE-PARAMETERS-JSON",
    "secrets": "MANIFEST-SECRETS-JSON",
    "dns_addresses": "DNS-ADDRESSES-JSON"

All the arguments are passed as strings and not JSON objects.

For example:

  "delete_binding": {
    // ...
    "manifest": "---\nname: some-name\n..."


This parameter is the binding to be deleted.


This parameter is a map of instance group name to an array of IPs provisioned for that instance group.

See the following example:

  "my-instance-group": ["", "", ""]


MANIFEST-YAML represents the parameter for the current manifest. BOSH uses the manifest to extract information about the deployment such as the credentials.

The manifest format matches the BOSH v2 manifest. For more information about the BOSH v2 manifest, see Deployment Config in the BOSH documentation.

For an example, see the Kafka delete binding.


This parameter is a JSON object that holds query string parameters as useful hints for service brokers. For more information, see the Open Service Broker API documentation.

See the following example:


This parameter is different from the create-binding request_parameters parameter and, in particular, does not include parameters or bind_resource.






The following table describes the supported exit codes and output for the delete-binding subcommand:

exit codeDescriptionOutput
  • No output is required
10not implemented
41binding does not exist
  • Stderr: error message for operator
  • ODB logs both stdout and stderr
anything elsefailure
  • Stdout: optional error message for CF CLI users
  • Stderr: error message for operator
  • ODB logs both stdout and stderr

This can be used to connect to the actual VMs if required, to delete a service specific binding. For example, this can be used to delete a user in MySQL.


The broker uses the schema returned by this subcommand to validate service-specific configuration parameters. Apps Manager uses the schema to generate a form that users can use to populate those parameters. The schema must be in the JSON Schema draft-04 format. For more information about the plan schema, see the Open Service Broker API (OSBAPI) v2.13 specification.

If you do not want to validate all parameters and want additional parameters to be accepted without constraints, set the JSON schema field additionalProperties to true. For the location of this field, see the Kafka example adapter. For example, you might use this if you want to accept an undocumented optional parameter, for administration purposes, that should not be exposed through the Apps Manager UI.

This section contains the following topics:

Input Parameters

This section describes the parameters required by the generate-plan-schemas subcommand, passed using stdin.

See the following example:

  "generate_plan_schemas": {
    "plan": "PLAN-JSON"

All the arguments are passed as strings and not JSON objects.

For example:

  "generate_plan_schemas": {
    "plan": "{\"instance_groups\":[]}"


This parameter is the service plan as JSON required to generate the JSON schema.

See the following example:

  "properties": {
    "persistence": true
  "lifecycle_errands": {
    "post_deploy": [],
    "pre_delete": []
  "instance_groups": [
      "name": "my-example-server",
      "vm_type": "t2.small",
      "persistent_disk_type": "10GB",
      "instances": 1,
      "networks": [
      "azs": [


The following table describes the supported exit codes and output for the generate-plan-schemas subcommand:

exit codeDescriptionOutput
  • Stdout: JSON document containing the plan schemas
10not implemented
anything elsefailure
  • Stdout: optional error message for cf CLI users
  • Stderr: error message for operator
  • ODB logs both stdout and stderr

Example JSON output printed when the generate-plan-schemas command is successful:

  "service_instance": {
    "create": {
      "parameters": {
        "": "http://json-schema.org/draft-04/schema#",
        "additionalProperties": true,
        "properties": {
          "auto_create_topics": {
            "description": "Auto create topics",
            "type": "boolean"
          "default_replication_factor": {
            "description": "Replication factor",
            "type": "integer"
        "type": "object"
    "update": {
      "parameters": {
        "": "http://json-schema.org/draft-04/schema#",
        "additionalProperties": true,
        "properties": {
          "auto_create_topics": {
            "description": "Auto create topics",
            "type": "boolean"
          "default_replication_factor": {
            "description": "Replication factor",
            "type": "integer"
        "type": "object"
  "service_binding": {
    "create": {
      "parameters": {
        "": "http://json-schema.org/draft-04/schema#",
        "additionalProperties": false,
        "properties": {
          "topic": {
            "description": "The name of the topic",
            "type": "string"
        "type": "object"