Single Sign-On for Tanzu 1.16


Last Updated February 24, 2025

This topic tells you how an administrator can test the connection between Single Sign‑On for VMware Tanzu and Active Directory Federation Services (AD FS). An administrator can test both service provider and identity provider connections.

You can test your identity provider integration by deploying the Pivotal Single Sign-On Service Sample Applications.

Test Your Service Provider Connection

  1. Log in to Apps Manager at https://apps.SYSTEM-DOMAIN and navigate to the org and space where your application is located.

  2. Under Services, locate the service instance of the Single Sign‑On plan bound to your app. Click on the service instance and click Manage.

    Screenshot of overview tab in Apps Manager. Under the Services section, the
button for the Single Sign-On service is highlighted.

    The Single Sign-On service screen in Apps Manager.
Below the title, the manage link is highlighted.

  3. Under the Apps tab, click your app.

    The Apps tab in Apps Manager showing a tile for the authcode-sample app.

  4. Under Identity Providers, select the AD FS identity provider.

    The app configuration screen. The ADFS PCF SSO button in the Identity Providers section is highlighted.

  5. Return to Apps Manager and click on the URL below your app to be redirected to the identity provider to authenticate.

    Screenshot of overview tab in Apps Manager. Under the Apps section, the URL in the Route column of table is highlighted

  6. Click the link.

    A browser window with the authcode sample web app showing. The app has a link at the bottom of the web page with the text Log in via Auth Code Grant Type

  7. On the identity provider sign-in page, enter your credentials and click Sign in.

    The ADFS Single Sign-On sign-in page with fields to enter an email address and password and a Sign in button.

  8. The application asks for authorization to the necessary scopes. Click Authorize.

  9. The access token and ID token displays.

Test Your Identity Provider Connection

Single Sign‑On does not support identity provider-initiated flow into app, but it does redirect the user to the User Account and Authentication (UAA) page to select apps assigned to the user.

  1. Sign in to AD FS.

    The ADFS Single Sign-On sign-in page with fields to enter an email address and password and a Sign in button.

  2. Navigate to your app and click it.

  3. You are redirected to the page that lists apps you have access to.

    Screenshot of Apps Manager apps tab with tiles for three apps shown.

Test Your Single Sign-Off

Test single sign-off to ensure that when users log out of the application, they are logged out of AD FS as well.

  1. Sign in to the sample app. Information about the access and ID token displays, as well as the What do you want to do? section.
  2. Under What do you want to do?, click Log out.

    Links in the What do you want to do section. There are links for TODO list, See your account profile, and Log out.

  3. You are logged out and redirected to the AD FS login page.

    The ADFS Single Sign-On sign-in page with fields to enter an email address and password and a Sign in button.