Tanzu Cloud Service Broker for GCP 1.5

Google Dataproc Reference (Beta)

Last Updated October 24, 2024

This topic gives you reference information about the Google Dataproc service (csb-google-dataproc). It details the plans, configuration parameters, and binding credentials.

The Google Dataproc service offering is currently in beta and is intended for evaluation and test purposes only. Do not use this product in a production environment.


The table below lists the plans for Google Dataproc:

standardBasic plan with 1 master and N workers
haHigh availability plan with 3 masters and N workers

Plan Configuration Parameters

When configuring Cloud Service Broker for GCP you can add additional plans. For how to configure plans, see Configure Services with Cloud Service Broker for GCP.

The following table lists parameters which can only be configured for additional plans:

Parameter NameValuesDefault
name*The plan namen/a
id*A unique GUIDn/a
description*Description of the new plann/a
display_nameName to use when displaying plan in marketplacen/a
freeWhen false, Service Instances of this Service Plan have a costtrue
bindableSpecifies whether Service Instances of the Service Plan can bind to applicationstrue
plan_updateableWhether the Plan supports upgrade/downgrade/sidegrade to another versiontrue

* Required

You can also add any of the configuration parameters listed in the parameters section to your plan. To create plans with specific replication we recommend setting master_count property.

If you set a parameter at plan level, developers cannot change the value when creating or updating service instances.

Configuration Parameters

You can provision a service by running:

cf create-service csb-google-dataproc PLAN-NAME SERVICE-INSTANCE-NAME -c '{"PARAMETER-NAME": "PARAMETER-VALUE"}'

You can update the configuration parameters for a service instance by running:


The following table lists the parameters that you can configure, by using the -c flag, when provisioning a csb-google-dataproc service:

Parameter Name Type Description Default Operation
name string Name of the cluster to be created. pcf-sb-INSTANCE_COUNT-TIMESTAMP provision and update
worker_machine_type string The name of a Google Compute Engine machine type to create for the worker(s). n1-standard-2 provision and update
worker_count number Specifies the number of worker nodes to create. 2 provision and update
master_machine_type string The name of a Google Compute Engine machine type to create for the master(s). n1-standard-2 provision and update
master_count number Specifies the number of master nodes to create. 1 provision and update
preemptible_count number Specifies the number of preemptible nodes to create. This is independent of the worker count, and the type is specified by worker_machine_type. 0 provision and update
region string The region of the bucket instance. us-central1 provision and update
credentials string The GCP credentials. The value the operator entered for Credentials in Tanzu Operations Manager. provision and update
project string The GCP project to use. The value the operator entered for Project in Tanzu Operations Manager. provision and update

Binding Parameters

You can bind a service by running:


The following table lists the parameters that you can configure, by using the -c flag, when binding to a csb-google-dataproc service:

Parameter Name Type Description Default
project string The GCP project to use. The value the operator entered for Project in Tanzu Operations Manager.

Binding Credentials

The format for binding credentials for Google Dataproc is as follows:

    "bucket_name" : "OUTPUT-BUCKET-NAME",
    "cluster_name" : "DATAPROC-CLUSTER-NAME",
    "region" : "REGION",
    "email" : "SERVICE-ACCOUNT-EMAIL",
    "name" : "SERVICE-ACCOUNT-NAME",
    "private_key" : "BASE64-SERVICE-ACCOUNT-PRIVATE-KEY",
    "project_id" : "GCP-PROJECT-ID"