Tanzu Cloud Service Broker for Microsoft Azure 1.4

Azure Cosmos DB Mongo API Reference

Last Updated October 24, 2024

This topic gives you reference information about the Azure Cosmos DB Mongo API service (csb-azure-mongodb). It details the plans, configuration parameters, and binding credentials.


The following table lists the pre-configured plans available for Azure Cosmos DB Mongo API:

smallMongo Cosmos DB Account, no redundancy, and 400 request units.
mediumMongo Cosmos DB Account, single read failover location, and 1,000 request units.
largeMongo Cosmos DB Account, single read/write failover location, and 10,000 request units.

Plan Configuration Parameters

When configuring Cloud Service Broker for Azure you can add additional plans. For how to configure plans, see Configure Services with Cloud Service Broker for Azure.

The following table lists parameters which can only be configured for additional plans:

Parameter NameDescriptionDefaultRequired
nameThe plan name.n/aYes
idA unique GUID.n/aYes
descriptionDescription of the new plan.n/aYes
private_endpoint_subnet_idID of the subnet within which the Private Endpoint for the CosmosDB account is created. For example, "exampleID"""No
private_dns_zone_idsArray of Private DNS Zone IDs to create private DNS zone groups for when using Private Endpoints. For example, ["exampleID1", "exampleID2"][]No
metadata.displayNameName to use when displaying the plan in the Marketplace.n/aNo
metadata.bulletsList of bullet points to display in Apps Manager.n/aNo

You can also add any of the configuration parameters listed in the parameters section to your plan.

Note If you set a parameter at plan level, developers cannot change the value when creating or updating service instances.

Configuration Parameters

You can provision a service by running:

cf create-service csb-azure-mongodb PLAN-NAME SERVICE-INSTANCE-NAME -c '{"PARAMETER-NAME": "PARAMETER-VALUE"}'

You can update the configuration parameters for a service instance by running:


The following table lists the parameters that you can configure, using the -c flag, when provisioning a csb-azure-mongodb service:

Parameter Name Type Description Default Operation
request_units integer (Required) The throughput of the MongoDB collection (RU/s). This parameter has the following constraints:
  • Maximum: 100000
  • Minimum: 400
  • Multiples of: 100
400 provision and update
failover_locations array A list of locations for the Cosmos DB account. The first location is the default write location. For available locations, see the Microsoft documentation. ["westus"] provision and update
account_name string Account name for your Cosmos DB with API for MongoDB instance. After being set, this cannot be updated.
This parameter has the following constraints:
  • Maximum character length: 44
  • Minimum character length: 6
  • Allowed characters: lowercase letters and numbers
csbINSTANCE-ID provision
db_name string Name for your Cosmos DB database with API for Mongo DB. This parameter has the following constraints:
  • Maximum character length: 255
  • Minimum character length: 6
  • Allowed characters: lowercase letters and numbers
csb-dbINSTANCE-ID provision and update
collection_name string Name for your collection. This parameter has the following constraints: maxLength: 255 default_collection provision and update
resource_group string Name for the resource group for this instance. After being set, this cannot be updated.
This parameter has the following constraints:
  • Maximum character length: 64
  • Minimum character length: 0
  • Allowed characters: lowercase letters and numbers
"" provision
instance_name string The name used to construct resource group name when resource_group not passed. csb-mongo-INSTANCE-ID provision
shard_key string Name for your shard key. uniqueKey provision and update
location string The location of the Mongo DB instance. For available locations, see the Microsoft documentation. westus provision
ip_range_filter string CosmosDB Firewall Support. This value specifies the set of IP addresses or IP address ranges in CIDR form to be included as the allowed list of client IP addresses for a given database account.

IP addresses and ranges must be comma separated and must not contain any spaces. allows access from Azure networks. An empty string "" allows access from all public networks. provision and update
consistency_level string The Consistency Level to use for this CosmosDB Account. The options are BoundedStaleness, Eventual, Session, Strong, and ConsistentPrefix.

If you choose BoundedStaleness, you must also set max_interval_in_seconds and max_staleness_prefix.
Session provision and update
max_interval_in_seconds integer Required when consistency_level is set to BoundedStaleness. Sets the time in seconds that staleness is tolerated. Accepted range for this value is 5 - 86400 (1 day). 5 provision and update
max_staleness_prefix integer Required when consistency_level is set to BoundedStaleness. Sets the number of stale requests tolerated. Accepted range for this value is 10 to 2147483647. 100 provision and update
enable_multiple_write_locations boolean Set to true to enable multi-master support for this Cosmos DB account. false provision and update
enable_automatic_failover boolean Set to true to enable automatic failover for this Cosmos DB account. false provision and update
azure_tenant_id string The ID of the Azure tenant for the instance. The value the operator entered for Tenant ID in Ops Manager provision and update
azure_subscription_id string The ID of the Azure subscription for the instance. The value the operator entered for Subscription ID in Ops Manager provision and update
azure_client_id string The ID of the Azure service principal to authenticate for service instance creation. The value the operator entered for Client ID in Ops Manager provision and update
azure_client_secret string The secret (password) for the Azure service principal to authenticate for service instance creation. The value the operator entered for Client Secret in Ops Manager. provision and update
skip_provider_registration boolean Set to true to skip automatic Azure provider registration. Set if the service principal being used does not have the rights to register providers. false provision and update
authorized_network string The subnet ID of the Azure Virtual Network (VNet) that is attached to this instance. If left unspecified, the Cosmos SQL instance becomes public. "" provision and update
public_network_access_enabled boolean Set to allow or disallow public network access for this CosmosDB account. true provision and update

Binding Credentials

The format for binding credentials for Azure Cosmos DB Mongo API is as follows:

    "status" : "STATUS-DESCRIPTION"


  • PRIMARY-MASTER-MONGODB-URI is the primary master Mongo DB URI of the Cosmos DB Mongo Collection.
  • STATUS-DESCRIPTION is the status of the operation.