This topic gives you reference information about the Azure Redis service (csb-azure-redis). It details the plans, configuration parameters, and binding credentials.
Important All plans specified in this section are deprecated and will be removed from the brokerpak in future releases in favor of custom-defined plans in the Tile. VMware recommends you update all instances to use custom-defined plans instead.
The following table lists the plans available for Azure Redis:
Plan | Description |
deprecated-small | Basic v4 Redis plan with 1 GB cache and no failover. High Availability is not provided, and update results in loss of data. |
deprecated-medium | Basic v4 Redis plan with 6 GB cache and no failover. High Availability is not provided, and update results in loss of data. |
deprecated-large | Basic v4 Redis plan with 26 GB cache and no failover. High Availability is not provided, and update results in loss of data. |
deprecated-ha-small | Standard v4 Redis plan with 1 GB cache with high availability and no failover. |
deprecated-ha-medium | Standard v4 Redis plan with 6 GB cache with high availability and no failover. |
deprecated-ha-large | Standard v4 Redis plan with 26 GB cache with high availability and no failover. |
deprecated-ha-P1 | A v4 Redis High Availability plan with 1 GB cache and no failover. |
Plan Configuration Parameters
When configuring Cloud Service Broker for Azure you can add additional plans. For how to configure plans, see Configure Services with Cloud Service Broker for Azure.
Note To effectively leverage the capabilities of the Tanzu Cloud Service Broker for Azure, VMware advises creating and managing custom plans. These plans are configurable through the tile, providing a user-friendly method to define and adjust service characteristics. For more information about custom plans, see Custom Plans.
The following table lists parameters which can only be configured for additional plans:
Parameter Name | Description | Default | Required |
name | The plan name | n/a | Yes |
id | A unique GUID | n/a | Yes |
description | Description of the new plan | n/a | Yes |
sku_name | The Redis SKU to use, for example, "Basic" | n/a | No |
family | The SKU family/pricing group to use, for example, C (Basic/Standard) or P (Premium) | n/a | No |
capacity | The size of the Redis cache to deploy. Must be between 1 and 6. | 1 | No |
tls_min_version | The minimum enforced TLS version. Possible values are "1.0" , "1.1" , "1.2" | "1.2" | No |
firewall_rules | An array of firewall rule start/end IP pairs. For example, [["", ""], ["", ""]] | [] | No |
private_endpoint_subnet_id | The ID of the subnet within which Private Endpoint for the Redis cache is created | "" | No |
private_dns_zone_ids | An array of Private DNS Zone IDs to create private DNS zone groups for when using Private Endpoints. For example, ["someID", "anotherID"] | [] | No |
metadata.displayName | Name to use when displaying the plan in the Marketplace. | n/a | No |
metadata.bullets | List of bullet points to display in Apps Manager. | n/a | No |
You can also add any of the configuration parameters listed in the parameters section to your plan.
Note If you set a parameter at plan level, developers cannot change the value when creating or updating service instances.
Configuration Parameters
You can provision a service by running:
cf create-service csb-azure-redis PLAN-NAME SERVICE-INSTANCE-NAME -c '{"PARAMETER-NAME": "PARAMETER-VALUE"}'
You can update the configuration parameters for a service instance by running:
The following table lists the parameters that you can configure, using the -c
flag, when provisioning a csb-azure-redis service:
Parameter Name | Type | Description | Default | Operation |
instance_name |
string |
The name of your MySQL instance. After being set, this cannot be updated. This parameter has the following constraints:
csb-redis-INSTANCE-ID |
provision |
redis_version |
string | The version of Redis to use. If not set, the default Azure-defined Redis version is used. | None | provision and update |
resource_group |
string |
The name of the resource group for the instance. This parameter has the following constraints:
provision |
subnet_id |
string | The ID of the Subnet within which the Redis Cache should be deployed. Valid only for Premium SKU. After being set, this cannot be updated. | "" |
provision |
location |
string | The location of the Redis instance. For available locations, see the Microsoft documentation. | westus |
provision |
azure_tenant_id |
string | The ID of the Azure tenant for the instance. | The value the operator entered for Tenant ID in Ops Manager | provision and update |
azure_subscription_id |
string | The ID of the Azure subscription for the instance. | The value the operator entered for Subscription ID in Ops Manager | provision and update |
azure_client_id |
string | The ID of the Azure service principal to authenticate for service instance creation. | The value the operator entered for Client ID in Ops Manager | provision and update |
azure_client_secret |
string | The secret (password) for the Azure service principal to authenticate for service instance creation. | The value the operator entered for Client Secret in Ops Manager. | provision and update |
skip_provider_registration |
boolean |
Set to true to skip automatic Azure provider registration.
Set if the service principal being used does not have the rights to register providers.
false |
provision and update |
maxmemory_policy |
string | Max memory eviction policy. Possible values are volatile-lru , allkeys-lru , volatile-random , allkeys-random , volatile-ttl , noeviction . |
volatile-lru |
provision and update |
Binding Credentials
The format for binding credentials for Azure Redis is as follows:
"host" : "REDIS-HOSTNAME",
"tls_port" : "REDIS-TLS-PORT",
is the name of the Redis instance.REDIS-HOSTNAME
is the hostname or IP address of the exposed Redis endpoint used by clients to connect to the service.REDIS-TLS-PORT
is the TLS port number of the exposed Redis instance.AUTHENTICATION-PASSWORD
is the password to authenticate to the Redis instance.
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