Tanzu Salt 10.1

Getting started with Tanzu Salt

Last Updated February 14, 2025

Tanzu Salt 10.1 is bundled with Tanzu Platform Self-Managed 10.1. You access Tanzu Salt from the Tanzu Platform UI.

Tanzu Salt runs on Salt, an open-source automation and configuration management engine sponsored, approved, and sanctioned by Broadcom, Inc. To begin using Tanzu Salt for configuration management, you also must install and run the Salt master service and the Salt minion service on any nodes that you intend to manage using Tanzu Salt.

Install Salt

Tanzu Salt is bundled with Tanzu Platform. You access the Tanzu Salt UI from the Tanzu Platform UI. You also obtain a script from the Tanzu Platform UI that installs Tanzu Salt on your designated Salt master and Salt minions. Consequently, you do not need to install Tanzu Salt manually. For information about how to obtain and run the Tanzu Salt installer script and access the Tanzu Salt UI from the Tanzu Platform UI, see Add Tanzu Salt for Spring app discovery on virtual machines in the Tanzu Platform documentation.

Access the Tanzu Salt UI

After you have run the Tanzu Salt installer script from the Tanzu Platform UI, you can access the Tanzu Salt UI.

  1. In the left-hand navigation of the Tanzu Platform UI, click Home.
  2. Click the Launch Salt button in the Salt widget.

Accept Salt master keys

After you install Tanzu Salt, you must accept the Salt master’s key in the Tanzu Salt user interface.

To accept the Salt master’s key:

  1. In the Tanzu Salt user interface.
  2. Select Administration > Master Keys.

    If you do not see the Master Key, see Troubleshooting Tanzu Salt.

    You can verify that a pending master key is from the correct Salt Master by checking the key fingerprint. On your Salt Master, run sseapi-config auth to view the key fingerprint, then verify it is identical to the fingerprint you see in the Master Keys tab.

  3. Check the box next to the master key to select it. Then, click Accept Key.
  4. If you already connected your Salt minions to your Salt master, an alert appears indicating that you have pending minion keys to accept. To accept these minion keys, go to Minion Keys > Pending.
  5. Check the boxes next to your minions to select them. Then, click Accept Key.

    The key is now accepted. After several seconds, the minion appears under the Accepted tab and in the Targets workspace.

You can verify that your Salt master and Salt minions are communicating by running a test.ping command in the Tanzu Salt interface. See Running an ad-hoc job from the Targets workspace for more information.

If the Salt master and Salt minions are not communicating, see Troubleshooting Tanzu Salt.

What to do next with Tanzu Salt

You use Tanzu Salt to define optimized, compliant software states and enforce them across multi-cloud environments.

To learn about... See...
Example use cases and tutorials for Tanzu Salt Tanzu Salt tutorials
Deploying the Salt minion service to your network infrastructure Extend Salt on your infrastructure
Using state files for configuration management Creating state files and pillar data
Integrating with VMware Aria Automation Configure a Tanzu Salt integration in VMware Aria Automation in the VMware Aria Automation docs*, to access the Tanzu Salt service and use Tanzu Salt objects and actions in VMware Aria Automation.
Creating and running configuration management jobs Using jobs in Tanzu Salt
Configuring Tanzu Salt security libraries Configure Tanzu Salt security scanning features

* The Aria Automation documentation refers to Tanzu Salt by its former name, Aria Automation Config.