Tanzu Telemetry Collector 1.3

Using the Tanzu Telemetry Collector CLI

Last Updated March 07, 2025

This topic explains how to use the Tanzu Telemetry Collector Command-Line Interface (CLI).

VMware recommends installing the Tanzu Telemetry Collector with Concourse. For more information, see Using Tanzu Telemetry Collector with Concourse.


To complete the steps in this section, you must have the Tanzu Telemetry Collector CLI binary that corresponds to your operating system. You can download the binary from Broadcom Support Portal.

Install Manually

To install the Tanzu Telemetry Collector manually, complete the following steps:

  1. Add the binary to your $PATH.

  2. Open a terminal window and enter telemetry-collector to verify your installation. If your installation succeeds, the command returns help commands.

Using Tanzu Telemetry Collector CLI

After you have installed the CLI, do the steps in the following procedure to collect data from your Tanzu Platform for Cloud Foundry (CF) foundation and send it to Broadcom.


To collect data from your Tanzu Platform for CF foundations, Tanzu Operations Manager (and optionally Usage Service), uses one of the following commands with information from your foundation:

  • Collect All Data (Recommended)

    telemetry-collector collect --url --username --password [or --client-id and
    --client-secret] --usage-service-url --usage-service-client-id
    --usage-service-client-secret --cf-api-url --env-type --output-dir --foundation-nickname

  • Collect Only Operational Data

    telemetry-collector collect --url --username --password [or --client-id and
    --client-secret] --usage-service-url --usage-service-client-id
    --usage-service-client-secret --cf-api-url --env-type --output-dir --foundation-nickname

  • Collect Only Configuration Data

    telemetry-collector collect --url --username --password [or --client-id and
    --client-secret] --env-type --output-dir --foundation-nickname


  • --url is the URL of the Tanzu Operations Manager the command collects data from.
  • --username is your Tanzu Operations Manager user name.
  • --password is your Tanzu Operations Manager password.
  • --client-id must be created within the Operations Manager UAA for accessing Operations Manager API and must be a member of opsman.restricted_view or higher.
  • --client-secret is the secret associated with the client-id.
  • --env-type is the type of environment you are using to collect data. You can enter one the following options:
    • sandbox
    • development
    • qa
    • pre-production
    • production
  • --foundation-nickname is an optional field that specifies a foundation nickname to be used in reporting by Broadcom
  • --cf-api-url is the CF API URL for UAA authentication to access Usage Service.
  • --usage-service-url is the Usage Service URL. This URL is typically: https://app-usage.YOUR-SYSTEM-DOMAIN.
  • --usage-service-client-id is the Usage Service client ID. Note that this client must exist in the Tanzu Platform for CF UAA and to be a member of either the cloud_controller.admin or usage_service.audit group.
  • --usage-service-client-secret is the Usage Service client secret.
  • --output-dir is your local directory where the command writes the output tar file.
  • --operational-data-only is an optional flag that, when set, instructs Telemetry Collector to collect only Operational Data (i.e. Usage Service and Core Consumption data).

Your Tanzu Operations Manager user name and password are not required if you are using client authentication. For more information about the available flags, see Configuration Reference.

If you want to configure the Telemetry Collector to send Usage Service data, you must include information for all four flags related to the Usage Service.

If the command succeeds, it returns the following message:

 Wrote output to MY-FILE-PATH/FoundationDetails_#######.tar Success!

After running the command, you can examine the data collected in the FoundationDetails_######.tar file.


The FoundationDetails_######.tar file can be copied to another machine if necessary. To send data to Broadcom from your Tanzu Platform for CF foundation, run the following command:

telemetry-collector send --path --api-key


  • --path is the path to the FoundationDetails_######.tar file written by the collect command.
  • --api-key is the Telemetry API key used to authenticate with Broadcom.

You must send the original, unmodified FoundationDetails.tar file for the command to work.

If the command succeeds, it returns a success message.