Spring Cloud Data Flow for Cloud Foundry 1.12

Using the dashboard for the Data Flow service instance

Last Updated October 23, 2024

To find the dashboard: in Apps Manager, go to the Data Flow service instance space, click the listing for the service instance, and then click Manage.

To have read and write access to a Spring Cloud Data Flow for VMware Tanzu service instance, you must have the SpaceDeveloper role in the space where the service instance was created. If you have only the SpaceAuditor role in the space where the service instance was created, you have only read (not write) access to the service instance.

You can also use cf service SERVICE_NAME, where SERVICE_NAME is the name of the Data Flow service instance.

$ cf service data-flow
Showing info of service data-flow in org myorg / space dev as user...

name:            data-flow
service:         p-dataflow
bound apps:
plan:            standard
description:     Deploys Spring Cloud Data Flow servers to orchestrate data pipelines
dashboard:       https://p-dataflow.apps.example.com/instances/2c9a66d3-99d8-458c-860d-01e7ac64eb1d/dashboard

Showing status of last operation from service data-flow...

status:    create succeeded
message:   Created
started:   2018-05-17T19:02:04Z
updated:   2018-05-17T19:08:14Z

Visit the URL given for “Dashboard”.

Dashboard information

The dashboard provides an overview of registered applications, stream and task definitions, and batch jobs. It also provides controls for deploying streams, launching tasks, and restarting batch job executions.

Data Flow UI showing Apps pane, with Add Applications button.

For complete information about the dashboard and its provided functionality, see the OSS Spring Cloud Data Flow project documentation.