Spring Cloud Data Flow for Cloud Foundry 1.14

Installing and configuring Spring Cloud Data Flow for VMware Tanzu

Last Updated December 10, 2024

Follow these steps to install Spring Cloud Data Flow for VMware Tanzu.


Spring Cloud Data Flow for VMware Tanzu is built using Spring Boot 2.7.18, which requires version 4.64.0 or later of the Java Cloud Foundry buildpack. The default Java buildpack, (this is the buildpack at the lowest position of all Java buildpacks), on your VMware Tanzu Platform for Cloud Foundry installation must therefore be at version 4.64.0 or later. You can use the Cloud Foundry CLI tool (cf CLI) to see the version of the Java buildpack that is currently installed.

$ cf buildpacks
Getting buildpacks...
position   name                     stack        enabled   locked   filename
1          java_buildpack_offline   cflinuxfs4   true      false    java-buildpack-offline-cflinuxfs4-v4.69.0.zip
2          ruby_buildpack           cflinuxfs4   true      false    ruby_buildpack-cached-cflinuxfs4-v1.10.15.zip
3          nginx_buildpack          cflinuxfs4   true      false    nginx_buildpack-cached-cflinuxfs4-v1.2.14.zip
4          nodejs_buildpack         cflinuxfs4   true      false    nodejs_buildpack-cached-cflinuxfs4-v1.8.25.zip
5          go_buildpack             cflinuxfs4   true      false    go_buildpack-cached-cflinuxfs4-v1.10.19.zip

If the default Java buildpack is older than version 4.64.0, you can download a newer version from the Broadcom Support portal. Follow the instructions in Managing Custom Buildpacks to update the default Java buildpack. To ensure that the newer buildpack becomes the default Java buildpack, you can delete or deactivate the older buildpack or make sure that the newer buildpack is in a lower position.

Dependent services

Spring Cloud Data Flow relies on other VMware Tanzu services for its service broker, for the Data Flow server created for each service instance, and for the Spring Cloud Skipper application created for each service instance. You can configure these in the tile settings. When following the installation steps below, review all of these settings, ensuring that you have previously installed the specified services and that the specified service plans are active.

If any of the services or service plans configured in the Data Flow tile settings are not available in your Tanzu Platform for CF deployment, the tile installation might fail.

Installation steps

  1. Download the product file from the Broadcom Support portal.

  2. Navigate to the Ops Manager Installation Dashboard and click Import a Product to upload the product file.

  3. Under the Import a Product button, click + next to the version number of Spring Cloud Data Flow. This adds the tile to your staging area.

  4. Click the newly added Spring Cloud Data Flow tile. In the Settings tab, click Assign AZs and Networks.

    Select the availability zones for the tile to use. In the Network section, select the Tanzu Platform for CF network.

  5. In the Settings tab, click Service Broker.

    You can configure the Java buildpack to use for deploying the broker and service instance applications (by default, the tile will use the highest-priority Java buildpack).

  6. In the Settings tab, click Data Flow Server.

    Configure the default services and service plans used by the Spring Cloud Data Flow server that is deployed for each Data Flow service instance. These values can be overridden when creating a Data Flow service instance. In this pane, you also can deactivate internet access for all Spring Cloud Data Flow service instances, and you can specify a URL for the composed task runner app. If you do not specify a URL for the app, Spring Cloud Data Flow downloads the app from the Maven Central repository.

    Tanzu Operations Manager, Settings tab, Data Flow Server pane - Setting Data Flow Server Relational Database Service

  7. Still in the Settings tab, click Skipper.

    Configure the relational database service name and plan used by the Spring Cloud Skipper application deployed for each Data Flow service instance.

    Tanzu Operations Manager, Settings tab, Skipper pane - Setting Skipper Relational Database Service

  8. Still in the Settings tab, click Maven Repositories.

    For information about configuring default Maven repository information for use by all Spring Cloud Data Flow service instances, see the Configure Default Maven Repositories section of Tile Configuration.

    Tanzu Operations Manager, Settings tab, Maven Repositories pane - Configuring Default Maven Repositories

  9. Still in the Settings tab, click Errands.

    Spring Cloud Data Flow has four lifecycle errands. Each errand can be set to always run (On) or to never run (Off). VMware recommends that all Spring Cloud Data Flow lifecycle errands be set to always run (On).

    Tanzu Operations Manager, Settings tab, Errands pane

  10. Return to the Ops Manager Installation Dashboard.

  11. Click Review Pending Changes. For more information about this Tanzu Operations Manager page, see Adding and deleting products from Tanzu Operations Manager.

  12. Click Apply Changes to install the Spring Cloud Data Flow tile.