Import a VMware Aria Operations environment
VMware Aria Operations
environmentYou can import an instance of
VMware Aria Operations
into VMware Aria Suite Lifecycle
.Verify that you have the required IP
- After creating an environment on theCreate Environmentpage, open the product card and select theVMware Aria Operationscheck box.
- SelectImportand then clickNext.
- Enter theVMware Aria OperationsMaster Node IP Address,Root, andAdmin Password.The admin password should be for a local user only, not a user with administrator permissions.If you are importing an existingVMware Aria Operationsinstallation, enable SSH for all theVMware Aria Operationsnodes and set root passwords in all nodes.
- Select avCenterinstance.
- ClickNextand review the summary information.
- ClickSubmitto import.If each node has different passwords, the import request fails. You can provide the correct password in the retry operation for each failed request.