Create a First Class Disk

To create a First Class Disk (FCD), you make a POST request using the block device specification. The request body includes a project ID, disk capacity, persistence setting, and constraints from the vSphere Storage Profile for an FCD creation.
  1. Assign the project ID variable.
  2. Set the capacity and persistence for the disk.
    capacity_in_gb=<integer> persistence=<
  3. Deploy the FCD.
    curl -X POST \ $url/iaas/api/block-devices?apiVersion=$api_version \ -H 'Content-Type: application/json' \ -H "Authorization: Bearer $access_token" \ -d '{ "projectId": "'$project_id'", "name": "FCD-example", "capacityInGB": "'$capacity_in_gb'", "persistent" : "'$persistent'", "constraints": [ { "mandatory": "true", "expression": "type:fcd" } ] }' | jq "."
    The response includes a selfLink value.
    { "progress": 0, "status": "INPROGRESS", "name": "Provisioning", "id": "example-selfLink-alphanumeric-string", "selfLink": "/iaas/api/request-tracker/example-selfLink-alphanumeric-string" }
  4. Assign the selfLink variable.
  5. Use the selfLink variable to track the progress of the FCD creation.
    curl -X GET -H 'Content-Type: application/json' -H "Authorization: Bearer $access_token" $url/iaas/api/request-tracker/$selfLink_id?apiVersion=$api_version | jq "."
    In the list of resources, the response includes block devices with the block device ID in the path.
    { "progress": 100, "message": "success", "status": "FINISHED", "resources": [ "/iaas/api/block-devices/example-blockdevice-alphanumeric-string" ], ... }
  6. Assign the block device ID variable.
  7. Retrieve the created block device object.
    curl -X GET -H 'Content-Type: application/json' -H "Authorization: Bearer $access_token" $url/iaas/api/block-devices/$block_device_id?apiVersion=$api_version | jq "."
  8. Retrieve all the FCD block device types.
    curl -X GET -H 'Content-Type: application/json' -H "Authorization: Bearer $access_token" "$url/iaas/api/block-devices?%24filter=customProperties.diskType%20eq%20firstClass&apiVersion=$api_version" | jq "."
  9. Delete the FCD block device.
    curl -X DELETE -H 'Content-Type: application/json' -H "Authorization: Bearer $access_token" $url/iaas/api/block-devices/$block_device_id?apiVersion=$api_version | jq "."
Create a First Class Disk
With constraints from a vSphere Storage Profile for FCD storage, use the block device specification to deploy a First Class Disk for a project ID with a two GB capacity and persistence set to false.
$ url='' $ api_version='
' $ project_id='f5357a28-df59-47e0-b983-8a562910d0be' $ capacity_in_gb=2 $ persistent=false
Deploy the FCD.
$ curl -X POST \ $url/iaas/api/block-devices?apiVersion=$api_version \ -H 'Content-Type: application/json' \ -H "Authorization: Bearer $access_token" \ -d '{ "projectId": "'$project_id'", "name": "FCD-example", "capacityInGB": "'$capacity_in_gb'", "persistent" : "'$persistent'", "constraints": [ { "mandatory": "true", "expression": "type:fcd" } ] }' | jq "."
The response provides a selfLink to the request.
{ "progress": 0, "status": "INPROGRESS", "name": "Provisioning", "id": "86707da6-d5d6-4ebc-94a2-0a22f3fcb794", "selfLink": "/iaas/api/request-tracker/86707da6-d5d6-4ebc-94a2-0a22f3fcb794" }
Assign the selfLink ID variable.
$ selfLink_id='86707da6-d5d6-4ebc-94a2-0a22f3fcb794'
Track the progress of the request.
$ curl -X GET -H 'Content-Type: application/json' -H "Authorization: Bearer $access_token" $url/iaas/api/request-tracker/$selfLink_id?apiVersion=$api_version | jq "."
After the request completes successfully, the response provides the block device ID.
{ "progress": 100, "message": "success", "status": "FINISHED", "resources": [ "/iaas/api/block-devices/e1cbc8e1-76bb-4bef-8e51-a582437266c2" ], "name": "Provisioning", "id": "86707da6-d5d6-4ebc-94a2-0a22f3fcb794", "selfLink": "/iaas/api/request-tracker/86707da6-d5d6-4ebc-94a2-0a22f3fcb794" }
Assign the block device ID variable.
$ block_device_id='e1cbc8e1-76bb-4bef-8e51-a582437266c2'
Use the block device ID to attach your FCD to a VM and manage your FCD snapshots. See Attach a First Class Disk and Manage First Class Disk Snapshots.