Create a new private cloud environment using
the installation wizard in VMware Aria Suite LifecycleLast Updated January 26, 2025
VMware Aria Suite Lifecycle
To create a private cloud environment
and install
VMware Aria Suite
products, use a VMware Aria Suite Lifecycle
installation wizard. - Configure product binaries for the products to install. See Configure product binaries for your release.
- Ensure that you have added avCenter Serverto the data center with valid credentials and the request is complete.
- Generate a single SAN certificate with host names for each product to install from the Certificate tab in the UI.
- Verify that your system meets the hardware and software requirements for each of theVMware Aria Suiteproducts you want to install. See the following product documentation for system requirements needed for your specific product release:
- VMware Aria Automation Orchestratoroffers two setup options:
- VMware Aria Automation Orchestrator-IntegratedThis is the traditionalVMware Aria Automation Orchestratorsetup option, whereVMware Aria Automation Orchestratoris integrated withVMware Aria Automation.
- IfVMware Aria Automationis multi-tenancy enabled, then multiple instances ofVMware Aria Automation Orchestratorcan be installed inVMware Aria Suite Lifecycle.
- IfVMware Aria Automationis not multi-tenancy enabled, then one instance ofVMware Aria Automation Orchestratorcan be installed inVMware Aria Suite Lifecycle.
- VMware Aria Automation OrchestratorStandalone: This setup option has no dependency onVMware Aria Automationand it allows you to integrate with vSphere.
- VMware Aria Automation Configoffers two setup options:
- VMware Aria Automation Config-Integrated: This setup is part ofVMware Aria Automation Configsingle node setup, which does not support multiple node setup or vertical scale up options. AfterVMware Aria Automationis installed, if multiple tenancy is not enabled, theVMware Aria Automation Configinstance associates with the base tenant ofVMware Aria Automation. When multi-tenancy is enabled inVMware Aria Automation,VMware Aria Automation Configis associated with the newly added tenants, and then proceeds with the installation. WhenVMware Aria Automationis imported, theVMware Aria Automation Configinstances which are associated withVMware Aria Automationare also imported.
- VMware Aria Automation ConfigStandalone: This setup has no dependency onVMware Aria Automation.When installingVMware Aria Automation Config, you require the following licenses:
- VMware Aria Automation Config-Integrated:VMware Aria AutomationEnterprise,VMware Aria AutomationAdvanced or Suite license.
- VMware Aria Automation ConfigStandalone:VMware Aria AutomationStandard Plus license.