Update bulk passwords for data sources
Last Updated January 26, 2025

To perform a bulk password update for data source passwords, use
VMware Aria Suite Lifecycle
Verify if you have created
VMware Aria Operations for Networks
data source passwords in
VMware Aria Suite Lifecycle
  1. Under
    , select the data sources that you want to update.
  2. Select the
    VMware Aria Operations for Networks
    product card, click the vertical ellipses for the environment, and then click
    Change Data Sources Password
  3. Under
    Select Data Sources
    , select the data sources to update, and then click
  4. Under
    Update Credentials
    , click
    New Password
    and then click
    If you select multiple data sources to update passwords, the new password applies to all the selected data sources.
  5. Under
    Precheck details
    , click
    and then click
  6. Under
    , verify the changes for the data sources.
  7. Click
    When you perform a bulk password update and one or more passwords fail to update, the request is marked complete. No warning appears for passwords not updated. Click the data source details for information, and then retry updating the bulk passwords.