This method returns information for the placeholder VM for the specified protected
PlaceholderVmInfo getPlaceholderVmInfo(ProtectedVm protectedVm)
is an
array of ProtectedVm data objects. For more information, see ListProtectedVms.PlaceholderVmInfo
is a
data object. It provides information about the inventory location of the placeholder
. It has the following fields:
Field | Description |
vm | Placeholder VM. This can be unset if the
placeholderVm has been deleted or has not been created
succesfully. |
folder | Placeholder VM folder |
computeResource | Placeholder VM ComputeResource. Not set if the
VM is a template. |
resourcePool | Placeholder VM ResourcePool. Not set if the
VM is a template. |
host | Placeholder VM host. |
datacenter | Placeholder VM datacenter |
placeholderCreationFault | Fault from the most recent placeholder
creation operation at the local site, if that operation failed.
Otherwise unset. |
repairNeeded | Set to true if the placeholder VM needs to be
repaired. false otherwise. |