Create a multi-proxy action
You can run the Create a multi-proxy action workflow to run a workflow on several servers.
You can create an action, so that you can run a workflow on a remote
Automation Orchestrator
server at a later stage. - Log in to theAutomation OrchestratorClient as an administrator.
- Navigate toand enter theorchestratorandremote_executiontags in the workflow search box.
- Locate theCreate a multi-proxy actionworkflow and clickRun.
- On theAction detailstab, enter the action name and module.The action name must contain only alpha-numeric characters without spaces.A new action is created even if another action with the same name exists.
- On theWorkflow detailstab, select whether the workflow is local or remote.OptionDescriptionYesSelect the remote workflow that you want to use for this action.NoSelect the local workflow that you want to use for this action.
- ClickRun.
The generated action accepts the same parameters as the source workflow but promotes the parameters to an array in case of multi-selection of objects. The values in the array are indexed.