Install a Software Update

If you have already installed
VMware Aria Operations
, you can update your software when a newer version becomes available.
  • Create a snapshot of each node in your cluster. For information about how to perform this task, see the
    VMware Aria Operations
    Information Center.
  • Create a snapshot of each node in your cluster. See Create a Snapshot as Part of an Update for details.
  • Obtain the PAK file for your cluster. For information about which file to use, see the
    VMware Aria Operations
    Information Center.
  • Obtain the PAK file for your cluster. See Obtain the Software Update PAK File for details.
  • Before you install the PAK file, or upgrade your
    VMware Aria Operations
    instance, clone any cusomized content to preserve it. Customized content can include alert definitios, symptom definitions, recommendations, and views. Then, during the softeare update, you select the option named
    Install the PAK file even if it is already installed
  • Since version 6.2.1,
    VMware Aria Operations
    update operation has a validation process that identifies issues before you start to update your software. Although it is good practice to run the pre-update check and resolve any issues found, users who have environmental constraints can deactivate this validation check.
    To deactivate the pre-update validation check, perform the following steps:
    • Edit the update file to
      /storage/db/pakRepoLocal/bypass_prechecks_VMware AriaOperationsManagerEnterprise-buildnumberofupdate.json.
    • Change the value to TRUE and run the update.
    If you deactivate the validation, you might encounter blocking failures during the update itself.
Installation might take several minutes or even a couple hours depending on the size and type of your clusters and nodes.
Before you can upgrade to
VMware Aria Operations
8.16 you must delete all remote collectors and replace them with cloud proxies. For information about migrating from
VMware Application Proxy
to cloud proxy, see KB 83059.
  1. Log into the primary node
    VMware Aria Operations
    administrator interface of your cluster at
  2. Click
    Software Update
    in the left pane.
  3. Click
    Install a Software Update
    in the main pane.
  4. Follow the steps in the wizard to locate and install your PAK file.
    This updates the OS on the virtual appliance and restarts each virtual machine.
  5. Read the
    End User License Agreement
    Update Information
    , and click
  6. Click
    to complete the installation of software update.
    After you click
    , the installer will restart the
    VMware Aria Operations
    administrator interface, and you will be logged out. Log in once again to the
    VMware Aria Operations
    administrator interface when it is ready, and follow the update status in the software update page.
  7. Log back into the primary node administrator interface.
    The main Cluster Status page appears and cluster goes online automatically. The status page also displays the Bring Online button, but do not click it.
  8. Clear the browser caches and if the browser page does not refresh automatically, refresh the page.
    The cluster status changes to Going Online. When the cluster status changes to Online, the upgrade is complete.
    If a cluster fails and the status changes to offline during the installation process of a PAK file update, then some nodes become unavailable. To fix this, you can access the administrator interface and manually take the cluster offline and click
    Finish Installation
    to continue the installation process.
  9. Click
    Software Update
    to check that the update is done.
    A message indicating that the update completed successfully appears in the main pane.
    When you update
    VMware Aria Operations
    to a latest version, all nodes get upgraded by default.
    If you are using cloud proxies, the cloud proxy upgrades start after the
    VMware Aria Operations
    upgrade is complete successfully. For more information, see the Monitoring the Health of Cloud Proxies from the Admin UI topic in the
    VMware Aria Operations Configuration Guide
Delete the snapshots you made before the software update.
Multiple snapshots can degrade performance, so delete your pre-update snapshots after the software update completes.