VMware Cloud Director Availability
in the SDDC

In the
VMware Cloud on AWS
SDDC, as a provider, deploy all cloud
VMware Cloud Director Availability
appliances from a single
file. In the tenant data center, as a tenant you can deploy the
On-Premises to Cloud Director Replication Appliance
by using its dedicated
  • As a provider:
    • Verify that the
      VMware Cloud on AWS
      SDDC is prepared for
      VMware Cloud Director Availability
      deployment. For more information, see Prepare the SDDC in VMware Cloud on AWS for deployment.
    • Verify that the user you use has permissions to deploy OVF templates. For example, use the default
      user that has the required permissions.
    • Download the
      file, containing the binaries for the
      VMware Cloud Director Availability
      cloud appliances.
  • As a tenant:
    • Verify that the user you use has the required permissions to deploy an OVF template in the tenant data center.
    • Download the
      file, containing the binaries for the
      On-Premises to Cloud Director Replication Appliance
  • As a provider, after preparing the
    VMware Cloud on AWS
    SDDC for deployment, repeat this procedure multiple times and deploy all the cloud appliances of
    VMware Cloud Director Availability
    by using the downloaded provider
  • As a tenant, follow this same procedure once in the tenant data center and deploy the
    On-Premises to Cloud Director Replication Appliance
    by using the downloaded on-premises
  1. Navigate to the resource pool for the appliance deployment.
    • As a provider, repeat the steps in this procedure multiple times and deploy the following number of cloud
      VMware Cloud Director Availability
      appliances under the dedicated resource pool
      , created in step 10 in Prepare the SDDC for Deployment:
      • One or more
        Replicator Appliance
      • A
        Cloud Director Replication Management Appliance
      • A
        Tunnel Appliance
    • As a tenant, follow the steps once in your data center and deploy the
      On-Premises to Cloud Director Replication Appliance
    1. Right-click the resource pool for the appliance deployment.
    2. From the drop-down menu, select
      Deploy OVF Template
  2. Complete the
    Deploy OVF Template
    1. On the
      Select an OVF template
      page, browse to the
      file location and click
    2. On the
      Select a name and folder
      page, enter a name for the appliance, select a deployment location, and click
    3. On the
      Select a compute resource
      page, select a host, or cluster as a compute resource to run the appliance on, and click
      As a provider, select the dedicated resource pool for each appliance, for example select
    4. On the
      Review details
      page, verify the
      template details and click
    5. On the
      License agreements
      page, select the
      I accept all license agreements
      check box and click
    6. As a provider, on the
      page, select an appliance deployment type for each appliance and click
      • One or more
        Replicator Appliance
      • A
        Cloud Director Replication Management Appliance
      • A
        Tunnel Appliance
      For information about the appliance deployment types, see Deployment Requirements in the
      Installation, Configuration, and Upgrade Guide in the Cloud Director Site
    7. On the
      Select storage
      page, select
      and click
    8. On the
      Select networks
      page, select the network for the
      VMware Cloud Director Availability
      appliance and click
      • As a provider, select the dedicated routed network for the
        VMware Cloud Director Availability
        appliances. For information about this dedicated routed network, see step 5.b in Prepare the SDDC for Deployment.
      • As a tenant, to ensure a successful pairing select a network with access to the
        VMware Cloud on AWS
    9. On the
      Customize template
      page, customize the deployment properties of the appliance and click
      Root password
      Enter and confirm the initial password for the appliance
      user. Later, when logging in for the first time, this initial password must be changed.
      • As a provider, enter an IP address in CIDR notation in the
        dedicated routed network for the cloud
        VMware Cloud Director Availability
        appliances. For information about this network, see step 5.b in Prepare the SDDC for Deployment.
      • As a tenant, enter an IP address in CIDR notation that belongs in the tenant data center network.
      • As a provider, enter the compute gateway.
      • As a tenant, enter the tenant data center gateway.
      DNS servers
      • As a provider, enter the compute gateway DNS service IP address of the SDDC. To obtain it, click the
        Networking & Security
        tab, then in the left pane under
        , click
        and next to the
        Compute Gateway DNS Forwarder
        , copy its IP address from the DNS Server IP column.
      • As a tenant, enter the IP address of the DNS server in the tenant data center.
      NTP Server
      Enter the address of the NTP server for the
      VMware Cloud Director Availability
      appliance to use.
      • As a provider, check the available time servers in the zone of your AWS instance and use the same NTP server as
        vCenter Server
        VMware Cloud Director
        , and all cloud
        VMware Cloud Director Availability
      • As a tenant, use the same NTP server as
        vCenter Server
    10. On the
      Ready to complete
      page, review the settings, optionally select
      Power on after deployment
      and to begin the OVF deployment, click
    Recent Tasks
    pane shows a new task for initializing the OVF deployment. After the task completes, the new appliance is created in the
    VMware Cloud Director Availability
    appliances resource pool.
  3. After deployment, power on the appliance.
    1. Under the resource pool for the appliance deployment, right-click the virtual machine.
    2. From the context menu, select
      Power On
VMware Cloud Director Availability
appliances are deployed.