Post-configure the SDDC networking in
VMware Cloud on AWS
VMware Cloud on AWS
To allow access to the management
interfaces of the
Manager Service
, the
Replicator Service
instances and the
Tunnel Service
in VMware
Cloud on AWS
for performing administrative operations like certificate
replacement, post-configure the network settings of the SDDC for the additional access to
these three types of management interfaces.- Verify that the SDDC network is already configured forVMware Cloud Director Availabilitypairing. For information about the required steps, see Configure the SDDC network for pairing VMware Cloud Director Availability in VMware Cloud on AWS.
- Verify thatVMware Cloud Director Availability4.2 or later is deployed inVMware Cloud on AWS. For more information, see Deploy VMware Cloud Director Availability in the SDDC.
By default, the access limited in
VMware Cloud on AWS
and the public IP addresses of all
the cloud appliances of VMware Cloud Director
must be explicitly allowed for performing administrative
operations.VMware Cloud Director
in VMware Cloud on AWS
provide three types of management
interfaces for performing administrative tasks like certificate replacement and
others. To allow these management interfaces when configuring the necessary NAT
rules, you explicitly define them since the three interfaces internally use
non-standard HTTPS ports. These three services in conjunction with the following
three NAT rules and a firewall rule translate and allow the network traffic coming
to the public IP addresses of the appliances on the external port 443/TCP:- Towards theCloud Director Replication Management Appliance, internally on port 8044/TCP for the management interface of theManager Service.
- Towards allReplicator Applianceinstances, internally on port 8043/TCP for the management interfaces of theReplicator Serviceinstances.
- Towards theTunnel Appliance, internally on port 8047/TCP for the management interface of theTunnel Service.
- Log in toVMware Cloud on AWSat
- Add three new inventory SDDC services, for the management interfaces of theManager Service,Replicator Service, and theTunnel Service.
- In the VMC console, in the left pane clickSDDCs.
- Under the SDDC clickView Detailsand click theNetworking & Securitytab.
- In the left pane under theInventorysection, clickServices.Repeat the following steps three times:
- Add an inventory service for theManager Serviceof theCloud Director Replication Management Appliance.
- Add another inventory service for theReplicator Serviceof theReplicator Appliance.
- Add another inventory service for theTunnel Serviceof theTunnel Appliance.
- To add an inventory SDDC service, clickAdd Service.
- Enter a name and optionally a description for each service.
- For each service, in the Service Entries column, click theSet Service Entrieslink.
- For each service, in theSet Service Entrieswindow, from theTypedrop down menu selectLayer 3 and above.
- For each service, on thePort-Protocoltab clickAdd Service Entry, enter the details from the respective column, and clickApply.OptionManager ServiceInventory ServiceReplicator ServiceInventory ServiceTunnel ServiceInventory ServiceNameEnter a name for the management interface service entry of theCloud Director Replication Management ApplianceManager Service. For example, enter.VCDA-Manager-Service-ManagementEnter a name for the management interface service entry of theReplicator ApplianceReplicator Service. For example, enter.VCDA-Replicator-Service-ManagementEnter a name for the management interface service entry of theTunnel ApplianceTunnel Service. For example, enter.VCDA-Tunnel-Service-ManagementService TypeSelectTCP.SelectTCP.SelectTCP.Additional PropertiesLeave theSource Portstext box blank.Leave theSource Portstext box blank.Leave theSource Portstext box blank.To access the management interface of theManager Servicein theCloud Director Replication Management Appliancein theDestination Portstext box, in enter port8044.To access the management interface of theReplicator Servicein theReplicator Appliance, in theDestination Portstext box enter port8043.To access the management interface of theTunnel Servicein theTunnel Appliance, in theDestination Portstext box enter port8047.
- To save each inventory service, clickSave.On theServicespage, the three new services show:NameService EntriesVCDA-Manager-Service-ManagementTCP (Source: Any | Destination:8044)VCDA-Replicator-Service-ManagementTCP (Source: Any | Destination:8043)VCDA-Tunnel-Service-ManagementTCP (Source: Any | Destination:8047)
- To later use in NAT rules, request new public SDDC IP addresses for each of the three types of management interfaces.
- Request a public IP address to access the management interface of theManager Servicein theCloud Director Replication Management Appliance.
- Request multiple public IP addresses to access the management interface of eachReplicator Servicein theReplicator Applianceinstances.
- Request a public IP address to access the management interface of theTunnel Servicein theTunnel Appliance.
- On theNetworking & Securitytab, in the left pane under theSystemsection clickPublic IPs.
- To request a public IP address for theManager Service, clickRequest New IP, enter a note, and clickSave.For example, as a note enter.VCDA-Manager-Public-Management-IP-addressRepeat the following step for each instance of theReplicator Servicedeployed in the SDDC:
- To request a public IP address for eachReplicator Service, clickRequest New IP, enter a note and clickSave.For example, as a note enter. For moreVCDA-Replicator-Public-Management-IP-addressReplicator Serviceinstances, for each requested public IP address enter, whereVCDA-Replicator-X-Public-Management-IP-addressXmarks each instance.
- To request a public IP address for theTunnel Service, clickRequest New IP, enter a note and clickSave.For example, as a note enter.VCDA-Tunnel-Public-Management-IP-address
- To forward the incoming network traffic to the correct cloud appliances and ports, add new NAT rules.
- On theNetworking & Securitytab, in the left pane under theNetworksection clickNAT.Repeat the following step three times:
- Add a NAT rule for the management interface of theManager Servicein theCloud Director Replication Management Appliance.
- Add another NAT rule for the management interface of theReplicator Servicein theReplicator Appliance. For each additionalReplicator Serviceinstance, add another NAT rule.
- Add another NAT rule for the management interface of theTunnel Servicein theTunnel Appliance.
- To add a NAT rule, clickAdd NAT Rule, configure the following settings then clickSave.OptionManager ServiceNATReplicator ServiceNATTunnel ServiceNATNameEnter a name for the NAT rule for the management interface of theCloud Director Replication Management ApplianceManager Service. For example, enter.VCDA Replication Management NATEnter a name for the NAT rule for the management interface of theReplicator ApplianceReplicator Service. For example, enter. For moreVCDA Replicator NATReplicator Serviceinstances, for each NAT rule enter, whereVCDA Replicator X NATXmarks each instance.Enter a name for the NAT rule for the management interface of theTunnel ApplianceTunnel Service. For example, enter.VCDA Replication Management NATPublic IPSelect the.VCDA-Manager-Public-Management-IP-addressSelect the.VCDA-Replicator-Public-Management-IP-addressSelect the.VCDA-Tunnel-Public-Management-IP-addressServiceSelect the inventory service for theCloud Director Replication Management ApplianceManager Service. For example, select.VCDA-Manager-Service-ManagementSelect the inventory service for theReplicator ApplianceReplicator Service. For example, select.VCDA-Replicator-Service-ManagementSelect the inventory service for theTunnel ApplianceTunnel Service. For example, select.VCDA-Tunnel-Service-ManagementPublic PortEnter port443.Enter port443.Enter port443.Internal IPEnter theof theprivate-IP-addressCloud Director Replication Management Appliance.Enter allof theprivate-IP-addressesReplicator Applianceinstances.Enter theof theprivate-IP-addressTunnel Appliance.Internal Port8044 (non-editable)8043 (non-editable)8047 (non-editable)FirewallMatch Internal AddressMatch Internal AddressMatch Internal Address
- To allow accessing theVMware Cloud Director Availabilitymanagement interfaces from the trusted compute sources, add the three new services and destinations in the inbound compute firewall rule.The compute ruleVCDA Management from Trusted Compute Sources Ruleis created first in Configure the network of the SDDC in VMware Cloud on AWS.
- On theNetworking & Securitytab, in the left pane under theSecuritysection clickGateway Firewall.
- On theCompute Gatewaytab, click the already created.VCDA Manager from Trusted Compute Sources Rule
- Configure the compute firewall rule then clickApplywhen prompted.OptionCompute Firewall RuleName.VCDA Management from Trusted Compute Sources RuleSources.Trusted Compute Sources GroupDestinationsClickAny. In theSet Destinationwindow, select all the compute groups of theVMware Cloud Director Availabilityappliances and clickApply. For example, select all three:
- VCDA Manager Compute Group
- VCDA Replicators Compute Group
- VCDA Tunnel Compute Group
ServicesClickAny. In theSet Serviceswindow, select the three newly created inventory services in addition to the. For example, select additionally:VCDA-Cloud-Service-Management TCP (Source: Any | Destination: 8046)- VCDA-Manager-Service-ManagementTCP (Source: Any | Destination: 8044)
- VCDA-Replicator-Service-ManagementTCP (Source: Any | Destination: 8043)
- VCDA-Tunnel-Service-ManagementTCP (Source: Any | Destination: 8047)
Destination: 8046,Destination: 8044,Destination: 8043, andDestination: 8047.Applied ToAll UplinksActionAllow - After modifying the compute gateway firewall rule, clickPublish.The compute firewall rule allows access to the four types of management interfaces of all services ofVMware Cloud Director Availability:
- Cloud Service
- Manager Service
- EachReplicator Serviceinstance
- Tunnel Service
The SDDC configuration in
VMware Cloud on AWS
is complete and ready for
administrative operations of the VMware Cloud Director
services. You can now perform administrative tasks
for each for the version of
VMware Cloud Director
service. For more information, see the Administration
VMware Cloud Director
deployed in
the SDDC.